T2 Operating Corporation

Contact Phone: (303) 579-1129

Business Address: T2 Operating Corporation   1800 Wazee Street, Ste. 318   Denver , CO . 80202

T2 Operating Corporation Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #14
Total Producing Wells 27
Most Recent Production Month 05-01-2024
Total Oil Production 96,897,959 BBls
Total Gas Production 389,343,987 MCFs
Total BOE Production 161,788,700 BBls
Producing Counties Columbia County Lafayette County

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Wells in Arkansas operated by T2 Operating Corporation

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
03-027-10737 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Bradley, Ray 1 WARE CREEK Oil 295,479 BBLs 820,216 MCFs
03-027-11538 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Brooks 1-5 SPRINGHILL Oil 408,519 BBLs 16,869,363 MCFs
03-027-11593 T2 Operating Corporation 04-01-2022 Brooks 2-5 SPRINGHILL Oil 151,044 BBLs 5,950,368 MCFs
03-027-11609 T2 Operating Corporation 02-01-2020 Brooks 3-5 SPRINGHILL Oil 134,472 BBLs 3,974,643 MCFs
03-027-11380 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Buckner "C" 1 BUCKNER Oil 111,102 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00605 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Buckner Smackover Unit 9-6 2 BUCKNER Oil 807,785 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00189 T2 Operating Corporation 07-01-2023 Crisp, A.S. 2 MAGNOLIA Oil 23,152 BBLs 26,160 MCFs
03-027-11387 T2 Operating Corporation 08-01-2017 Crone 5 BUCKNER Oil 96,424 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-70015 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Crone A-8 BUCKNER Oil 647,880 BBLs 40,266 MCFs
03-027-11720 T2 Operating Corporation 02-01-2023 Crone B-8 BUCKNER Oil 1,126 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00595 T2 Operating Corporation 04-01-1998 Crone C-7 BUCKNER Oil 1,112,276 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00611 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Crone, S T 3 BUCKNER Oil 374,774 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00627 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Devore 2 BUCKNER Oil 241,376 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00633 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Fee K-1 BUCKNER Oil 725,498 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-11610 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Fee K 2 BUCKNER Oil 243,136 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-11378 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Johnson Estate B-1 BUCKNER Oil 156,316 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00637 T2 Operating Corporation 01-01-1998 Johnson Heirs 1 BUCKNER Oil 325,328 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00907 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Magnolia Smackover Unit 4-C MAGNOLIA Oil 82,035,875 BBLs 223,774,900 MCFs
03-027-00601 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 McKean B-1 BUCKNER Oil 1,133,716 BBLs 47,204 MCFs
03-027-00592 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 McKean B-7 BUCKNER Oil 650,394 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-073-01540 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 McKean C-2 BUCKNER Oil 2,909,277 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00203 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 North Central Texas 1 STEPHENS (SMART AREA) Oil 302,140 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-11516 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Placid 1-4 SPRINGHILL Oil 664,572 BBLs 23,336,160 MCFs
03-027-11570 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Placid 2-4 SPRINGHILL Oil 414,424 BBLs 24,856,652 MCFs
03-027-11657 T2 Operating Corporation 02-01-2016 Placid 3-4 SPRINGHILL Oil 84,380 BBLs 4,978,016 MCFs
03-027-11477 T2 Operating Corporation 03-01-2018 Russell 1-6 SPRINGHILL Oil 8,963 BBLs 436,895 MCFs
03-027-01575 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Smart D-4 STEPHENS Injection 89,186 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00140 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Smart, J F "C" 4 STEPHENS Oil 1,265,685 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-11617 T2 Operating Corporation 08-01-2022 Taylor 1-6 SPRINGHILL Oil 447,056 BBLs 19,255,104 MCFs
03-027-11638 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Taylor 2 SPRINGHILL Oil 360,824 BBLs 21,680,792 MCFs
03-027-11487 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Vaughn 1-3 SPRINGHILL Oil 613,404 BBLs 17,886,836 MCFs
03-027-11569 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Vaughn 2-3 SPRINGHILL Oil 388,748 BBLs 16,947,340 MCFs
03-027-11604 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Vaughn 3-3 SPRINGHILL Oil 69,700 BBLs 3,386,200 MCFs
03-027-11661 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Vaughn 4 SPRINGHILL Oil 60,996 BBLs 5,076,872 MCFs
03-027-00638 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Warren C-3 BUCKNER Oil 477,625 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00587 T2 Operating Corporation 09-01-2005 Waters B-4 BUCKNER Injection 3,474 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-00634 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Wilson K-1 BUCKNER Oil 383,306 BBLs 0 MCFs
03-027-11622 T2 Operating Corporation 05-01-2024 Wilson K-2 BUCKNER Oil 183,505 BBLs 0 MCFs

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T2 Operating Corporation Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


T2 Operating Corporation
1800 Wazee Street, Ste. 318
Denver , CO . 80202


(303) 579-1129

About T2 Operating Corporation

T2 Operating Corporation is currently ranked #14 in the state of Arkansas based on a total production of 161,788,700 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 05-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 562 BBLs oil and 562 MCF of gas, coming from 27 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that T2 Operating Corporation can drill in the future.