Vulcan 6-64 10-8

Vulcan 6-64 10-8 estimated lease property, in the most recent month of production (10-01-2024), produced 9022 bbls of oil and 12297 mcf of natural gas. It has 10 wells on the property starting in 10-01-2021.

Vulcan 6-64 10-8 in Elbert County, CO
Total Value: $42,995,103
Number of Wells: 10

Vulcan 6-64 10-8 Map of Current Permits and Wells

Approved Permit
Oil Well
Gas Well

Tier 1 Acreage
Tier 2 Acreage
Tier 3 Acreage
Fringe Acreage

Estimated Lease Property

Vulcan 6-64 10-8 Oil & Gas Production by Year

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Vulcan 6-64 10-8 Monthly Oil & Gas Production

Property Name Production Date Producing Wells Oil Produced Monthly Gas Produced Monthly BOE Produced Daily
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 11-01-2024 5 9,679 BBL 10,302 MCF 380 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 10-01-2024 5 9,022 BBL 12,297 MCF 369 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 09-01-2024 5 7,472 BBL 11,182 MCF 311 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 08-01-2024 5 11,668 BBL 21,343 MCF 508 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 07-01-2024 5 11,976 BBL 14,532 MCF 480 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 06-01-2024 5 12,718 BBL 15,470 MCF 510 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 05-01-2024 5 14,736 BBL 15,667 MCF 578 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 04-01-2024 5 15,800 BBL 15,173 MCF 611 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 03-01-2024 5 16,391 BBL 13,849 MCF 623 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 02-01-2024 5 16,220 BBL 10,868 MCF 601 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 01-01-2024 5 9,833 BBL 12,743 MCF 399 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 12-01-2023 5 21,510 BBL 33,446 MCF 903 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 11-01-2023 5 25,681 BBL 48,032 MCF 1,123 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 10-01-2023 5 29,189 BBL 32,085 MCF 1,151 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 09-01-2023 5 36,504 BBL 28,385 MCF 1,375 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 08-01-2023 5 25,889 BBL 16,422 MCF 954 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 07-01-2023 5 8,366 BBL 6,895 MCF 317 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 06-01-2023 1 32 BBL 79 MCF 2 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 04-01-2023 1 4,952 BBL 7,413 MCF 206 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 03-01-2023 1 5,735 BBL 11,038 MCF 253 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 02-01-2023 1 5,019 BBL 7,698 MCF 210 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 01-01-2023 1 6,693 BBL 9,067 MCF 273 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 12-01-2022 1 6,418 BBL 11,925 MCF 280 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 11-01-2022 1 8,158 BBL 16,696 MCF 365 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 10-01-2022 1 8,603 BBL 9,349 MCF 339 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 09-01-2022 1 25,154 BBL 39,032 MCF 1,055 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 08-01-2022 1 26,640 BBL 16,344 MCF 979 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 07-01-2022 1 32,212 BBL 20,050 MCF 1,185 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 06-01-2022 1 25,138 BBL 16,318 MCF 929 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 12-01-2021 1 36,682 BBL 30,908 MCF 1,394 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 11-01-2021 1 21,886 BBL 17,676 MCF 828 BOE
Vulcan 6-64 10-8 10-01-2021 1 0 BBL 407 MCF 2 BOE

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Vulcan 6-64 10-8 Oil & Gas Wells

API # Well Name Operator Name Well Type Hole Direction Well Status Drill (Spud) Date First Completed Producing Formation
05-039-06683 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 6HN GMT EXPLORATION COMPANY LLC Oil Horizontal Active 03-01-2023 06-01-2023 Wildcat
05-039-06684 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 4HN Oil Abandoned N/A N/A Wildcat
05-039-06685 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 3HN GMT EXPLORATION COMPANY LLC Oil Horizontal Active 03-02-2023 06-01-2023 Wildcat
05-039-06686 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 1HN GMT EXPLORATION COMPANY LLC Oil Horizontal Active 05-03-2021 09-01-2021 Wildcat
05-039-06687 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 7HN Oil Abandoned N/A N/A Wildcat
05-039-06688 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 10HN GMT EXPLORATION COMPANY LLC Oil Horizontal Active 02-27-2023 06-01-2023 Wildcat
05-039-06689 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 9HN Oil Abandoned N/A N/A Wildcat
05-039-06690 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 8HN GMT EXPLORATION COMPANY LLC Oil Horizontal Active 02-28-2023 06-01-2023 Wildcat
05-039-06691 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 5HN Oil Abandoned N/A N/A Wildcat
05-039-06692 Vulcan 6-64 10-8 2HN Oil Abandoned N/A N/A Wildcat

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