Good Deal

Good Deal estimated lease property, in the most recent month of production (08-01-2024), produced 0 bbls of oil and 0 mcf of natural gas. It has 1 well on the property starting in 06-01-2016.

Good Deal in Lincoln County, CO
Total Value: $321,709
Number of Wells: 1

Good Deal Map of Current Permits and Wells

Approved Permit
Oil Well
Gas Well

Tier 1 Acreage
Tier 2 Acreage
Tier 3 Acreage
Fringe Acreage

Estimated Lease Property

Good Deal Oil & Gas Production by Year

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Good Deal Monthly Oil & Gas Production

Property Name Production Date Producing Wells Oil Produced Monthly Gas Produced Monthly BOE Produced Daily
Good Deal 02-01-2020 1 30 BBL 50 MCF 1 BOE
Good Deal 01-01-2020 1 65 BBL 105 MCF 3 BOE
Good Deal 12-01-2019 1 50 BBL 95 MCF 2 BOE
Good Deal 11-01-2019 1 54 BBL 110 MCF 2 BOE
Good Deal 10-01-2019 1 49 BBL 105 MCF 2 BOE
Good Deal 09-01-2019 1 45 BBL 75 MCF 2 BOE
Good Deal 08-01-2019 1 93 BBL 310 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 07-01-2019 1 71 BBL 240 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 06-01-2019 1 4 BBL 0 MCF 0 BOE
Good Deal 05-01-2019 1 10 BBL 0 MCF 0 BOE
Good Deal 03-01-2019 1 6 BBL 0 MCF 0 BOE
Good Deal 02-01-2019 1 36 BBL 0 MCF 1 BOE
Good Deal 01-01-2019 1 60 BBL 200 MCF 3 BOE
Good Deal 12-01-2018 1 46 BBL 210 MCF 3 BOE
Good Deal 11-01-2018 1 63 BBL 300 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 10-01-2018 1 62 BBL 310 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 09-01-2018 1 61 BBL 300 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 08-01-2018 1 69 BBL 310 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 07-01-2018 1 72 BBL 310 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 06-01-2018 1 60 BBL 300 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 05-01-2018 1 74 BBL 310 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 04-01-2018 1 73 BBL 280 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 03-01-2018 1 73 BBL 260 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 02-01-2018 1 73 BBL 210 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 01-01-2018 1 84 BBL 180 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 12-01-2017 1 63 BBL 170 MCF 3 BOE
Good Deal 11-01-2017 1 74 BBL 240 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 10-01-2017 1 72 BBL 240 MCF 4 BOE
Good Deal 09-01-2017 1 89 BBL 300 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 08-01-2017 1 91 BBL 310 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 07-01-2017 1 61 BBL 150 MCF 3 BOE
Good Deal 06-01-2017 1 93 BBL 300 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 05-01-2017 1 109 BBL 310 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 04-01-2017 1 117 BBL 300 MCF 6 BOE
Good Deal 03-01-2017 1 120 BBL 250 MCF 5 BOE
Good Deal 02-01-2017 1 141 BBL 250 MCF 6 BOE
Good Deal 01-01-2017 1 154 BBL 250 MCF 7 BOE
Good Deal 12-01-2016 1 136 BBL 220 MCF 6 BOE
Good Deal 11-01-2016 1 209 BBL 290 MCF 9 BOE
Good Deal 10-01-2016 1 254 BBL 310 MCF 10 BOE
Good Deal 09-01-2016 1 343 BBL 300 MCF 13 BOE
Good Deal 08-01-2016 1 490 BBL 310 MCF 18 BOE
Good Deal 07-01-2016 1 721 BBL 230 MCF 25 BOE
Good Deal 06-01-2016 1 163 BBL 50 MCF 6 BOE

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Good Deal Oil & Gas Wells

API # Well Name Operator Name Well Type Hole Direction Well Status Drill (Spud) Date First Completed Producing Formation
05-073-06709 Good Deal 13 WIEPKING-FULLERTON ENERGY LLC Oil Shut-in 10-26-2015 05-02-2016 Wildcat

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