Dover Atwood Corporation

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Dover Atwood Corporation Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #122
Total Producing Wells 55
Most Recent Production Month 11-01-2023
Total Oil Production 0 BBls
Total Gas Production 577,424 MCFs
Total BOE Production 96,264 BBls
Producing Counties Baca County

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Wells in Colorado operated by Dover Atwood Corporation

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
05-009-06598 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BEAR CREEK 1-3 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 121,491 MCFs
05-009-06195 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BISHOP 1-17 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 126,706 MCFs
05-009-06082 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BISHOP, E 1-29 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 260,544 MCFs
05-009-05317 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BROWN 1-13 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 171,507 MCFs
05-009-06432 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BRYAN 1-11 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 385,378 MCFs
05-009-06433 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BRYAN 1-12X Greenwood Gas 396 BBLs 197,655 MCFs
05-009-06430 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BRYAN 1-18 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 440,971 MCFs
05-009-06147 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 BURCHFIELD 1-33 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 94,119 MCFs
05-009-06234 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 CLAYS 1 Stonington Oil 0 BBLs 247,943 MCFs
05-009-06034 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 COPE, NELLIE 1-16 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 1,171,595 MCFs
05-009-06084 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 EATON, H 1-22 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 174,852 MCFs
05-009-06237 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 ELLIS 1-1 Playa Oil 0 BBLs 400,921 MCFs
05-009-06252 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 ELLIS 1-25 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 462,641 MCFs
05-009-06210 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 FARMER 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 117,995 MCFs
05-009-06525 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 FEDERAL 2-16X Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 559,689 MCFs
05-009-06334 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 FORGEY A 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 473,079 MCFs
05-009-06251 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 FRAZEE 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 425,085 MCFs
05-009-06163 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 FREIGHBERGER 1-7 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 121,702 MCFs
05-009-06061 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GIBSON, LESLIE 1-20 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 142,626 MCFs
05-009-06072 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GIBSON, LESLIE 2-19 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 122,165 MCFs
05-009-06327 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GRIFFIN 1-10 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 148,520 MCFs
05-009-06328 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GRIFFIN 1-11 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 309,551 MCFs
05-009-06412 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GRIFFITH E 1 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 162,694 MCFs
05-009-06607 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 GRIZZLY 1-34 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 307,164 MCFs
05-009-06270 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HANCOCK M 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 219,311 MCFs
05-009-06189 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HEFLEY 2 Stonington Oil 0 BBLs 121,632 MCFs
05-009-06429 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HETRICK 1-13 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 584,498 MCFs
05-009-06254 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HOLT 1-26 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 85,116 MCFs
05-009-06575 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HOME IMPROVEMENT 1-13 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 274,292 MCFs
05-009-06118 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HUME 1 Windmill Oil 0 BBLs 230,065 MCFs
05-009-06242 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 HUME C 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 244,901 MCFs
05-009-06035 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 LOFLIN-FEDERAL 1-21 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 130,646 MCFs
05-009-06635 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 MAMA BEAR 1-1B Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 187,707 MCFs
05-009-06207 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 NEWMAN 2-6 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 130,430 MCFs
05-009-05303 Dover Atwood Corporation 09-01-2023 OLIVER 1-18 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 89,119 MCFs
05-009-06236 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 PACKARD 1-X Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 238,149 MCFs
05-009-06184 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 PORTER 1-11 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 83,162 MCFs
05-009-06101 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 RATCLIFF 2 Playa Oil 0 BBLs 224,192 MCFs
05-009-06268 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 ROBBINS RANCH 'C' 1 Stonington Oil 0 BBLs 95,526 MCFs
05-009-06200 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 ROLLINS RUTHERFORD 1A-20 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 154,064 MCFs
05-009-06087 Dover Atwood Corporation 04-01-2023 SCHREPEL, L 1-21 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 111,074 MCFs
05-009-06192 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 STATE 1-36 Greenwood Oil 0 BBLs 296,815 MCFs
05-009-06047 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 STATE OF COLORADO 1-15 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 194,681 MCFs
05-009-06176 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 STATE OF COLORADO 1-16 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 110,879 MCFs
05-009-06222 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 STROBEL 2-19 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 144,023 MCFs
05-009-06098 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 SWANSON, M 1-35 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 110,856 MCFs
05-009-06339 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 TATE A 1 Walsh Oil 0 BBLs 154,079 MCFs
05-009-05200 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 THOMPSON 1-24 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 98,729 MCFs
05-009-06164 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 THOMPSON, D R 1-25 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 179,831 MCFs
05-009-06081 Dover Atwood Corporation 11-01-2023 THOMPSON-PORTER 1-10 Vilas Oil 0 BBLs 321,185 MCFs

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Dover Atwood Corporation

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About Dover Atwood Corporation

Dover Atwood Corporation is currently ranked #122 in the state of Colorado based on a total production of 96,264 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 11-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 55 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Dover Atwood Corporation can drill in the future.