Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc

Contact Name: John Hoffman

Contact Phone: (713) 510-0150

Business Address: Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc     , .

Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 09-01-2021
Total Oil Production 23,862 BBls
Total Gas Production 266,702 MCFs
Total BOE Production 68,301 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in Colorado operated by Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
05-001-09533 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2021 ABBOTT 10-43 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 805 BBLs 28,179 MCFs
05-001-08135 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2021 ABBOTT 11-14 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 2,626 BBLs 91,404 MCFs
05-001-07731 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 ABBOTT 12-14 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 1,609 BBLs 30,827 MCFs
05-001-09416 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 ABBOTT 12-21 (OWP) Bromley Oil 146,498 BBLs 676,474 MCFs
05-001-07777 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2021 ABBOTT 33-10 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 771 BBLs 39,651 MCFs
05-001-07719 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 ABBOTT 43-10 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 1,043 BBLs 65,323 MCFs
05-001-07859 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 ABBOTT LANDS 32-7 4 (OWP) Base Line Gas 1,394 BBLs 111,796 MCFs
05-001-09126 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 AMBUSH 31-22 (OWP) Maria Gas 4,095 BBLs 143,347 MCFs
05-001-07748 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 ANN 34-12 (OWP) Base Line Gas 7,827 BBLs 89,830 MCFs
05-001-07615 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 ANTELOPE FARMS 41-23 2 (OWP) Porter Gas 2,238 BBLs 137,630 MCFs
05-001-08061 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 08-01-2019 ATWATER 4 24-1 (OWP) Radar Gas 2,309 BBLs 89,690 MCFs
05-001-08267 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 03-01-2021 BANTER-MORRIS 23-4 (OWP) Banner Lakes Gas 2,130 BBLs 83,721 MCFs
05-001-08329 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 BASS LINNEBUR 12-21 (OWP) Mandella Gas 3,697 BBLs 87,712 MCFs
05-001-06148 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 BAUGHMAN FARMS 2-31 (OWP) Dance South Gas 3,856 BBLs 103,920 MCFs
05-001-07727 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 02-01-2021 BECKER 42-32 (OWP) Hawkeye Gas 915 BBLs 15,802 MCFs
05-001-07316 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 BOWEN USX AL 29-8 (OWP) Warlock Gas 1,816 BBLs 38,328 MCFs
05-001-09623 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 11-01-2019 BOX ELDER G 24-24 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 1,330 BBLs 84,518 MCFs
05-001-06662 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 11-01-2019 BOX ELDER G 3 (OWP) Ambush Gas 1,757 BBLs 28,821 MCFs
05-001-09608 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 11-01-2019 BOX ELDER G 42-24 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 1,318 BBLs 60,091 MCFs
05-001-07853 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 05-01-2020 CARLSON 32-33 2 (OWP) Radar Oil 5,259 BBLs 3,708 MCFs
05-001-07985 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 05-01-2020 CARLSON 41-33 4 (OWP) Radar Oil 11,699 BBLs 8,191 MCFs
05-001-07770 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 05-01-2020 CARLSON 42-33 1 (OWP) Radar Oil 6,450 BBLs 3,853 MCFs
05-001-09260 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 04-01-2020 CAVALIER 2-5N4 (OWP) Jamboree Gas 7,028 BBLs 42,619 MCFs
05-001-07235 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 03-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 459 AMOCO 1 (OWP) Sun Oil 22,948 BBLs 124,062 MCFs
05-001-07588 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 03-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 459 AMOCO 2 (OWP) Sun Gas 22,526 BBLs 142,953 MCFs
05-001-07277 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 02-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 67 AMOCO G 1 (OWP) Chieftain Gas 2,490 BBLs 106,830 MCFs
05-001-07373 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 CHAMPLIN 73 AMOCO 'B' 1 (OWP) Irondale Oil 106,372 BBLs 550,183 MCFs
05-001-07192 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 75 AMOCO G 1 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 2,423 BBLs 156,662 MCFs
05-001-07224 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 75 AMOCO H 1 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 2,632 BBLs 148,935 MCFs
05-001-07332 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 CHAMPLIN 75 AMOCO J 1 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 2,582 BBLs 91,217 MCFs
05-001-06773 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 03-01-2020 CHAMPLIN-DANFORD 1 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 3,741 BBLs 126,042 MCFs
05-001-09643 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 CHAMPLIN DANFORD 32-32 (OWP) Wattenberg Oil 27,457 BBLs 116,336 MCFs
05-001-09656 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 Champlin Danford 43-32 (OWP) Wattenberg Oil 7,715 BBLs 18,024 MCFs
05-001-09658 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 CHAMPLIN DANFORD 44-32 (OWP) Wattenberg Gas 2,593 BBLs 26,804 MCFs
05-001-08281 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 01-01-2021 CRYSTAL-HUBBS 1 (OWP) Bromley Gas 3,683 BBLs 49,895 MCFs
05-001-07552 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 05-01-2019 DANFORD-CHAMPLIN 1-24 (OWP) Buckhorn Gas 1,212 BBLs 116,406 MCFs
05-001-09538 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 06-01-2021 DOUBLE A 32-17 (OWP) Bennett Gas 4,015 BBLs 112,054 MCFs
05-001-06084 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 08-01-2021 DOUBLE BAR O 2-18 (OWP) Nile Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
05-001-06415 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 DOUBLE-USX ZM 17-11 (OWP) Bennett Gas 8,391 BBLs 61,338 MCFs
05-001-08718 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 02-01-2020 DOWNING 44-25 2 (OWP) Noonen Ranch South Oil 12,223 BBLs 7,531 MCFs
05-001-06170 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 08-01-2021 EHN 3-20 (OWP) Nile Oil 6,225 BBLs 0 MCFs
05-001-06171 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 08-01-2021 EHN 4-20 (OWP) Nile Oil 115,866 BBLs 0 MCFs
05-001-08219 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 01-01-2021 EIFFEL 1 (OWP) Fence Post Gas 5,709 BBLs 80,449 MCFs
05-001-08046 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2020 ELAINE 41-18 (OWP) Jamboree Gas 4,753 BBLs 73,298 MCFs
05-001-07751 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 ELEANOR ARNOLD 1 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 4,135 BBLs 78,049 MCFs
05-001-07977 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 10-01-2020 ELEANOR ARNOLD B 1 (OWP) Krauthead Gas 6,357 BBLs 137,928 MCFs
05-001-06456 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2020 FERGUSON 2 (OWP) Irondale Oil 19,156 BBLs 47,424 MCFs
05-001-06453 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 07-01-2020 FERGUSON 42-25 1 (OWP) Irondale Gas 3,859 BBLs 47,067 MCFs
05-001-07750 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 09-01-2021 FLO 33-24 (OWP) Fence Post Gas 4,388 BBLs 121,424 MCFs
05-001-07634 Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC 08-01-2019 FOREMAN 2 (OWP) Jamboree Gas 5,822 BBLs 110,256 MCFs

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Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc Contact Info:


John Hoffman


None Provided


Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc

, .


(713) 510-0150

About Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc

Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc is currently un-ranked in the state of Colorado based on a total production of 68,301 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 09-01-2021. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Painted Pegasus Petroleum Llc can drill in the future.