Dart Oil And Gas Corp

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Dart Oil And Gas Corp   600 Dart Rd   Po Box 177 MASON , MI . 48854-0177

Dart Oil And Gas Corp Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 10-01-2020
Total Oil Production 5,657,372 BBls
Total Gas Production 20,115,183 MCFs
Total BOE Production 9,009,839 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in Michigan operated by Dart Oil And Gas Corp

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
21-093-40727 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 01-01-1995 AESCHLIMAN ET AL 1-32 46,809 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-045-41712 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 10-01-1995 BRUNTON 2-7 15,645 BBLs 302,730 MCFs
21-123-39992 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 10-01-1997 BUTLER & HIGHLAND 1-7 Gas 59,761 BBLs 6,894,319 MCFs
21-113-41179 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 04-01-2018 CLAM UNION 1-31A Gas 93,034 BBLs 4,566,645 MCFs
21-133-44008 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 CRAWFORD ROSE LAKE 1-11 Gas 375,650 BBLs 4,264,723 MCFs
21-093-39905 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 CRESSWELL 1-16 107,004 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-093-38447 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 02-01-2012 DAYMON 1-26 139,227 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-093-39612 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 11-01-1992 DAYMON 2-35A 41,034 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-123-57774 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 11-01-2022 DENNIS 3-9 HD1 9,434 BBLs 3,875 MCFs
21-093-37586 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 09-01-1987 DORSEY UNIT 1-23A 54,858 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-035-52098 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 FANKHAUSER 10-29HD1 23,000 BBLs 10,428 MCFs
21-113-31835 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 07-01-2013 HAMMING 4-22 HD1 19,328 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-133-41795 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 MARION 1-36 Gas 1,985 BBLs 5,691,535 MCFs
21-113-52232 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 11-01-2022 MCBAIN 1-19 HD 34,533 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-123-37537 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED 1-9 Injection 629,661 BBLs 140,791 MCFs
21-093-40348 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 04-01-2012 NAPEL 1-19A 113,214 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-065-36095 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 01-01-1991 NIGHTINGALE 1-7A 17,189 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-093-36662 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 11-01-1988 POHL ET AL 1-34A Disposal 76,659 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-143-33544 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2021 PORTER HOGAN TRUST 3-17 29,112 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-093-44299 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 01-01-2022 RICHARDS 2-20 44,777 BBLs 249,053 MCFs
21-065-29636 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 01-01-2015 SANDBERG ET AL 2 1,267,435 BBLs 4,620,615 MCFs
21-093-37608 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 02-01-1991 SCHAFER 1-36 20,031 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-065-43514 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 SCHEFFLER 1-29 233,462 BBLs 260,057 MCFs
21-123-10419 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 STATE GOODWELL A-1 Injection 629,661 BBLs 140,791 MCFs
21-035-17919 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 11-01-2022 STATE WINTERFIELD 13-12A 30,504 BBLs 0 MCFs
21-025-35480 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 10-01-1990 WEERS 1-14 Gas 0 BBLs 164,290 MCFs
21-035-42159 Dart Oil And Gas Corp 12-01-2022 WINTERFIELD 2-31 Gas 14,493 BBLs 2,910,778 MCFs

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Dart Oil And Gas Corp Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Dart Oil And Gas Corp
600 Dart Rd
Po Box 177 MASON , MI . 48854-0177


About Dart Oil And Gas Corp

Dart Oil And Gas Corp is currently un-ranked in the state of Michigan based on a total production of 9,009,839 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 10-01-2020. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Dart Oil And Gas Corp can drill in the future.