Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc


Contact Phone:

Business Address: Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc   801 Louisana St.   Ste. 700 HOUSTON , TX . 77002

Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 02-01-2022
Total Oil Production 3,204,565 BBls
Total Gas Production 2,224,546 MCFs
Total BOE Production 3,575,336 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in Mississippi operated by Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
23-005-20791 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Bates 25-24H Pearl River Oil 181,347 BBLs 64,161 MCFs
23-005-20789 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 C. H. Lewis 30-19H Oil 328,655 BBLs 188,891 MCFs
23-005-20774 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 CMR 8-5H Pearl River Oil 206,949 BBLs 82,995 MCFs
23-157-22047 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 CMR/Foster Creek 20-7H Oil 127,153 BBLs 75,329 MCFs
23-157-22089 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 CMR Foster Creek 24-13H Oil 283,312 BBLs 268,858 MCFs
23-157-22095 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 CMR/Foster Creek 31-22H Oil 446,839 BBLs 533,561 MCFs
23-157-22097 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 03-01-2024 CMR Foster Creek 8H Oil 159,441 BBLs 138,239 MCFs
23-157-22098 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 CMR Foster Creek 8H Oil 191,425 BBLs 161,260 MCFs
23-157-22037 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Crosby 12-1H Oil 302,409 BBLs 270,998 MCFs
23-005-20751 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC Denkmann 33-28H Wildcat Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-005-20799 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Denkmann 33-28H Pearl River Oil 222,862 BBLs 103,051 MCFs
23-005-20773 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Huff 18-7H Oil 89,489 BBLs 34,743 MCFs
23-005-20790 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Nunnery 12-1H Oil 196,997 BBLs 76,652 MCFs
23-005-20756 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Smith 5-29H Oil 217,664 BBLs 85,182 MCFs
23-005-20809 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 Spears 31-6H Oil 289,743 BBLs 108,949 MCFs
23-005-20866 Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC 05-01-2024 T Lewis 7-38H Pearl River Oil 145,921 BBLs 72,429 MCFs

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Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc Contact Info:




None Provided


Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc
801 Louisana St.
Ste. 700 HOUSTON , TX . 77002


About Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc

Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc is currently un-ranked in the state of Mississippi based on a total production of 3,575,336 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 02-01-2022. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Goodrich Petroleum Company, Llc can drill in the future.