Womack Energy, Inc.

Contact Name:

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Womack Energy, Inc.   1811 Bering Dr.   Suite 230 HOUSTON , TX . 77057

Womack Energy, Inc. Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #77
Total Producing Wells 1
Most Recent Production Month 07-01-2024
Total Oil Production 4,080,657 BBls
Total Gas Production 37,370 MCFs
Total BOE Production 4,086,885 BBls
Producing Counties Wayne County

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Wells in Mississippi operated by Womack Energy, Inc.

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
23-153-20291 Womack Energy, Inc. 06-01-2019 CHISMOR 21-9 Wausau Oil 310,894 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-00085 Womack Energy, Inc. 04-01-1982 CHISMOR 21-9 Wausau Injection 285,402 BBLs 5,176 MCFs
23-153-20296 Womack Energy, Inc. 07-01-2024 CHISMOR-WAUSAU 28-1 2 Wausau Oil 343,856 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-00575 Womack Energy, Inc. 08-01-2018 DUNAGIN Wausau Oil 382,273 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-20294 Womack Energy, Inc. N/A HUBBARD-ROGERS 27-4 Wausau Injection 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-20212 Womack Energy, Inc. N/A MELBA D. HOLIFIELD Wausau Injection 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-20301 Womack Energy, Inc. 12-01-2018 PRYOR 21-16 Wausau Oil 363,514 BBLs 183 MCFs
23-153-00094 Womack Energy, Inc. 06-01-1991 ULMER PRYOR 21-16-A Wausau Oil 685,132 BBLs 24,046 MCFs
23-153-20511 Womack Energy, Inc. 07-01-2017 ULMER-PRYOR 21-16A Wausau Oil 119,320 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-00095 Womack Energy, Inc. 02-01-2022 WAUSAU UNIT 28-1 Wausau Oil 1,177,817 BBLs 7,965 MCFs
23-153-20299 Womack Energy, Inc. 07-01-1999 WAUSAU UNIT 28-8 Wausau Oil 3,638 BBLs 0 MCFs
23-153-20222 Womack Energy, Inc. 01-01-2020 W J Hubbard et al 22-13 1 Wausau Oil 408,811 BBLs 0 MCFs

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Womack Energy, Inc. Contact Info:



None Provided


Womack Energy, Inc.
1811 Bering Dr.
Suite 230 HOUSTON , TX . 77057


About Womack Energy, Inc.

Womack Energy, Inc. is currently ranked #77 in the state of Mississippi based on a total production of 4,086,885 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 07-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 12 BBLs oil and 12 MCF of gas, coming from 1 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Womack Energy, Inc. can drill in the future.