Empire North Dakota Llc

Contact Phone: (539) 444-8002

Business Address: Empire North Dakota Llc   1203 E. 33rd Street, Suite 250   Tulsa , OK .

Empire North Dakota Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #29
Total Producing Wells 8
Most Recent Production Month 05-01-2024
Total Oil Production 205,372 BBls
Total Gas Production 73,901 MCFs
Total BOE Production 217,688 BBls
Producing Counties Richland County Sheridan County

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Wells in Montana operated by Empire North Dakota LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
25-083-21347 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 Christiansen 2 Fairview Oil 771,019 BBLs 852,574 MCFs
25-083-21656 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 C.S. Lien 2 Mon Dak, West Oil 264,999 BBLs 172,876 MCFs
25-083-21693 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 C.S. Lien 3 Mon Dak, West Oil 141,909 BBLs 94,237 MCFs
25-083-21591 Empire North Dakota LLC 03-01-2024 Curtis Hunter 1-14 Fairview Oil 139,054 BBLs 67,806 MCFs
25-083-21063 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 Fort Gilbert 1 Fort Gilbert Oil 249,950 BBLs 186,522 MCFs
25-083-21482 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 Fort Gilbert 5 Fort Gilbert Oil 157,365 BBLs 174,121 MCFs
25-091-21560 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 Hensler 1-21 Comertown, South Oil 464,479 BBLs 187,760 MCFs
25-083-21458 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 Levno 1 Fort Gilbert Oil 162,345 BBLs 83,317 MCFs
25-083-21298 Empire North Dakota LLC 05-01-2024 McGinnis 2R-34 Sioux Pass, Middle Oil 257,870 BBLs 201,468 MCFs
25-083-21471 Empire North Dakota LLC 06-01-2023 Young Heirs 4 Fairview Oil 185,623 BBLs 313,416 MCFs

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Empire North Dakota Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Empire North Dakota Llc
1203 E. 33rd Street, Suite 250
Tulsa , OK .


(539) 444-8002

About Empire North Dakota Llc

Empire North Dakota Llc is currently ranked #29 in the state of Montana based on a total production of 217,688 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 05-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 164 BBLs oil and 164 MCF of gas, coming from 8 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Empire North Dakota Llc can drill in the future.