Legacy Reserves Operating Lp

Contact Phone: (432) 689-5200

Business Address: Legacy Reserves Operating Lp   303 W. Wall Street, Suite 1800   Po Box 10848 Midland , TX .

Legacy Reserves Operating Lp Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #48
Total Producing Wells 7
Most Recent Production Month 04-01-2024
Total Oil Production 2,342,510 BBls
Total Gas Production 1,032,230 MCFs
Total BOE Production 2,514,560 BBls
Producing Counties Blaine County

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Wells in Montana operated by Legacy Reserves Operating LP

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
25-091-21714 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 03-01-2018 Bigwind 1 Colored Canyon Oil 319,833 BBLs 266,763 MCFs
25-083-22797 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2015 Chauncey 2H-31 Wildcat Richland Oil 30,309 BBLs 16,705 MCFs
25-083-21597 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 03-01-2018 Cooley AM 16-28 Sidney Oil 169,583 BBLs 121,048 MCFs
25-021-21200 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 02-01-2020 Deer Creek 14-23 Deer Creek Oil 20,722 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-21511 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Erving Wolf 1 Rabbit Hills Oil 445,098 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22323 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Federal 7-34-20 Wildcat Blaine Oil 28,299 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22549 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 11-01-2022 Federal Rabbit 1 Wildcat Blaine Oil 242,621 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22577 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 07-01-2023 Flynn 21-18 Rabbit Hills Oil 207,121 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22582 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Flynn 41-18 Wildcat Blaine Oil 449,713 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22588 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Flynn 42-18 Wildcat Blaine Oil 113,767 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22552 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Flynn Trust 7-14 Wildcat Blaine Oil 293,141 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-005-22545 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Flynn Trust 7-15 Wildcat Blaine Oil 279,766 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-021-05146 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 09-01-2015 Govt. McGhee 1A Deer Creek Oil 118,330 BBLs 99,051 MCFs
25-091-21625 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 07-01-2021 Haaven 1-25 Divide Oil 239,397 BBLs 170,378 MCFs
25-091-21717 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 06-01-2023 Ibsen 7-1 Brush Lake Oil 367,077 BBLs 252,976 MCFs
25-085-21502 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 11-01-2018 Iverson 2-21 Anvil Oil 251,103 BBLs 221,730 MCFs
25-005-21420 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 09-01-2021 Lena Sonnenberg 1 Rabbit Hills Oil 234,989 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-091-21843 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 12-01-2020 Melby 1-11H Brush Lake Oil 216,190 BBLs 125,854 MCFs
25-091-21773 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 05-01-2023 Melby 14-1HR Brush Lake Oil 39,466 BBLs 25,101 MCFs
25-005-22645 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 07-01-2023 Montgomery 21-24 Rabbit Hills Oil 18,950 BBLs 118 MCFs
25-091-21683 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 03-01-2022 Myers 1 Clear Lake Oil 308,036 BBLs 191,229 MCFs
25-021-05147 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 10-01-2021 NP "G" (NCT) 4-2 Deer Creek Oil 196,392 BBLs 15,115 MCFs
25-005-22738 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 03-01-2023 Rabbit 3-36 Rabbit Hills, South Oil 55,841 BBLs 1 MCFs
25-091-21902 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 12-01-2023 Riva Ridge 6-7-33-56H Wildcat Sheridan Oil 58,529 BBLs 17,638 MCFs
25-091-21750 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 12-01-2017 Sorensen 16-11 Brush Lake Oil 147,973 BBLs 81,584 MCFs
25-091-21699 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 07-01-2017 Vera Strand (Sidetrack) 1 Reserve Oil 246,037 BBLs 171,782 MCFs
25-005-22584 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 04-01-2024 Wolf Federal 22-18 Rabbit Hills Oil 106,047 BBLs 0 MCFs
25-091-21897 Legacy Reserves Operating LP 12-01-2015 Zuma 15-22-35-58H Wildcat Sheridan Oil 14,353 BBLs 15,413 MCFs

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Legacy Reserves Operating Lp Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Legacy Reserves Operating Lp
303 W. Wall Street, Suite 1800
Po Box 10848 Midland , TX .


(432) 689-5200

About Legacy Reserves Operating Lp

Legacy Reserves Operating Lp is currently ranked #48 in the state of Montana based on a total production of 2,514,560 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 04-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 54 BBLs oil and 54 MCF of gas, coming from 7 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Legacy Reserves Operating Lp can drill in the future.