Montana Heartland Llc

Contact Phone: (701) 255-7970

Business Address: Montana Heartland Llc   919 So. 7th Street, Suite 405   Bismarck , ND .

Montana Heartland Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #73
Total Producing Wells 9
Most Recent Production Month 08-01-2024
Total Oil Production 122,539 BBls
Total Gas Production 2,140,058 MCFs
Total BOE Production 479,218 BBls
Producing Counties Richland County Wibaux County

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Wells in Montana operated by Montana Heartland LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
25-109-21128 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 12-14A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 296,894 MCFs
25-109-21121 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 14-10A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 293,649 MCFs
25-109-21122 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 14-14A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 188,668 MCFs
25-109-21123 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 21-22A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 247,910 MCFs
25-109-21129 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 23-22A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 266,723 MCFs
25-109-21135 Montana Heartland LLC 06-01-2009 M.H. 33-14JR Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 16,665 MCFs
25-109-21127 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 34-10A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 176,151 MCFs
25-109-21125 Montana Heartland LLC 10-01-2013 M.H. 41-22A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 222,534 MCFs
25-109-21124 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 M.H. 43-22A Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 273,917 MCFs
25-109-21132 Montana Heartland LLC 06-01-2011 MT Heartland 22-10JR Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 43,610 MCFs
25-109-21134 Montana Heartland LLC 06-01-2009 MT Heartland 31-14JR Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 1,405 MCFs
25-109-21133 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 MT Heartland 41-10JR Pine Gas Gas 0 BBLs 52,961 MCFs
25-083-21340 Montana Heartland LLC 08-01-2024 Walter Hartland 1 Two Waters Oil 276,521 BBLs 904,096 MCFs

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Montana Heartland Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Montana Heartland Llc
919 So. 7th Street, Suite 405
Bismarck , ND .


(701) 255-7970

About Montana Heartland Llc

Montana Heartland Llc is currently ranked #73 in the state of Montana based on a total production of 479,218 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 08-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 13 BBLs oil and 13 MCF of gas, coming from 9 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Montana Heartland Llc can drill in the future.