Xto Energy Inc.

Contact Phone: (817) 870-2800

Business Address: Xto Energy Inc.   110 W. 7th Street   Fort Worth , TX . 76102

Xto Energy Inc. Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 11-01-2021
Total Oil Production 27,055,829 BBls
Total Gas Production 34,278,817 MCFs
Total BOE Production 32,768,968 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in Montana operated by XTO Energy Inc.

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
25-083-21303 XTO Energy Inc. 05-01-2009 Albin 1-28 Mustang Oil 251,426 BBLs 237,088 MCFs
25-083-21863 XTO Energy Inc. 10-01-2019 Albin 31X-28 Mustang Oil 67,274 BBLs 67,903 MCFs
25-083-22932 XTO Energy Inc. 11-01-2018 Beagle 12X-17 Wildcat Richland Oil 32,452 BBLs 41,254 MCFs
25-083-21174 XTO Energy Inc. 04-01-2015 BN 33X-25 Mon Dak, West Oil 442,012 BBLs 449,785 MCFs
25-083-21308 XTO Energy Inc. 03-01-2015 Cundiff 1-28 Putnam Oil 700,497 BBLs 379,590 MCFs
25-083-21379 XTO Energy Inc. 08-01-2012 Finnicum 31-44 Stampede Oil 81,358 BBLs 125,038 MCFs
25-083-22950 XTO Energy Inc. 04-01-2019 Hanson 44X-26B Wildcat Richland Oil 45,313 BBLs 46,055 MCFs
25-083-22707 XTO Energy Inc. 06-01-2016 Hartland 14X-26 Wildcat Richland Oil 33,814 BBLs 36,388 MCFs
25-083-22973 XTO Energy Inc. 05-01-2018 Headington 43X-23B Wildcat Richland Oil 4,042 BBLs 5,340 MCFs
25-083-21475 XTO Energy Inc. 05-01-2014 Henderson 4-22 Canal Oil 182,976 BBLs 113,226 MCFs
25-083-21752 XTO Energy Inc. 07-01-2016 Jackson 5-25 Mon Dak, West Oil 195,083 BBLs 268,461 MCFs
25-083-21276 XTO Energy Inc. 05-01-2016 Merrill 1-3 Putnam Oil 201,719 BBLs 46,878 MCFs
25-083-21278 XTO Energy Inc. 12-01-2014 Obergfell 3-34 Putnam Oil 220,208 BBLs 74,203 MCFs
25-083-22685 XTO Energy Inc. 07-01-2016 Olson 11X-7 Wildcat Richland Oil 35,688 BBLs 24,885 MCFs
25-083-22882 XTO Energy Inc. 09-01-2020 Panasuk 34X-12 Wildcat Richland Oil 55,881 BBLs 70,932 MCFs
25-083-21747 XTO Energy Inc. 05-01-2016 State 2-36 Mon Dak, West Oil 847,427 BBLs 744,695 MCFs
25-083-21902 XTO Energy Inc. 07-01-2014 Swigart 23X-8 Mon Dak, West Oil 40,880 BBLs 60,048 MCFs
25-083-21151 XTO Energy Inc. 10-01-2018 Swigart 24X-8 Mon Dak, West Oil 1,321,254 BBLs 1,127,103 MCFs

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Xto Energy Inc. Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Xto Energy Inc.
110 W. 7th Street
Fort Worth , TX . 76102


(817) 870-2800

About Xto Energy Inc.

Xto Energy Inc. is currently un-ranked in the state of Montana based on a total production of 32,768,968 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 11-01-2021. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Xto Energy Inc. can drill in the future.