Allshouse Terrence L Jr

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Allshouse Terrence L Jr   7242 Tidioute Enterprise Rd   GRAND VALLEY , PA . 16420-1930

Allshouse Terrence L Jr Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #108
Total Producing Wells 466
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2023
Total Oil Production 22,692 BBls
Total Gas Production 201,228 MCFs
Total BOE Production 56,136 BBls
Producing Counties Forest County McKean County Venango County Warren County

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Wells in Pennsylvania operated by Allshouse Terrence L JR

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
37-123-23288 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST LOT 462 2 Oil 108 BBLs 684 MCFs
37-121-44566 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE 1 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-121-44567 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 ALLSHOUSE 2 Oil 60 BBLs 636 MCFs
37-123-48607 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 ALLSHOUSE CHAPMAN ONEIL 1000 Oil 12 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48196 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE CHAPMEN ONEIL 1000 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48195 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE CHAPMEN ONEIL 999 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48606 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 ALLSHOUSE FRASER 1001 Oil 24 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48197 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE FRASER 1001 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48198 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE FRASER 1002 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48199 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE FRASER 1003 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-48200 Allshouse Terrence L JR ALLSHOUSE FRASER 1004 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-41977 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 ALMENDINGER 3 Gas 0 BBLs 4,008 MCFs
37-123-36388 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 B MCINTYRE 3 Oil 24 BBLs 156 MCFs
37-123-42295 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 BOWSER 1 0 BBLs 1,524 MCFs
37-123-41984 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 BURCH 1 Gas 0 BBLs 3,516 MCFs
37-123-46151 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1854 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46157 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1855 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46156 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1856 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46155 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1857 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46154 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1858 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46153 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1859 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46152 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1860 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46158 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1861 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-46210 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CARLSON LEASE 1862 Oil 240 BBLs 228 MCFs
37-123-02480 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 1 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02489 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 10 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02491 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 12 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02481 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 2 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02482 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 3 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02483 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 4 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02485 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 6 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02486 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 7 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02487 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 8 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-02488 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 CHAPMAN 9 Oil 72 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-053-30781 Allshouse Terrence L JR CRATTY 1 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-053-30782 Allshouse Terrence L JR CRATTY 2 Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-42243 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 DAHL 1 Gas 0 BBLs 6,000 MCFs
37-123-41970 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 D & D JOHNSON 4 Gas 0 BBLs 456 MCFs
37-123-02684 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 DEFOREST 01 Oil 48 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-123-41928 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 D RAPP 1 Gas 0 BBLs 4,116 MCFs
37-123-39705 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F. D. HILL 101 144 BBLs 360 MCFs
37-123-33423 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F D HILL 102 Oil 144 BBLs 360 MCFs
37-123-04245 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F.D. HILL 2 36 BBLs 516 MCFs
37-123-31300 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F D HILL 3 Oil 36 BBLs 516 MCFs
37-123-31301 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F D HILL 4 Oil 36 BBLs 516 MCFs
37-123-31302 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F D HILL 5 Oil 36 BBLs 516 MCFs
37-123-29407 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 F D HILL TRACT N 483 1 Oil 36 BBLs 516 MCFs
37-083-07168 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 FINNESSY 12A Oil 3,576 BBLs 12 MCFs
37-083-07169 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 FINNESSY 13A Oil 3,396 BBLs 12 MCFs
37-083-07176 Allshouse Terrence L JR 12-01-2023 FINNESSY 14 Oil 3,516 BBLs 12 MCFs

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Allshouse Terrence L Jr Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Allshouse Terrence L Jr
7242 Tidioute Enterprise Rd
GRAND VALLEY , PA . 16420-1930


About Allshouse Terrence L Jr

Allshouse Terrence L Jr is currently ranked #108 in the state of Pennsylvania based on a total production of 56,136 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 17 BBLs oil and 17 MCF of gas, coming from 466 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Allshouse Terrence L Jr can drill in the future.