Empire Energy E & P Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Empire Energy E & P Llc   380 Sourthpointe Blvd   Suite 130 CANONSBURG , PA . 15317

Empire Energy E & P Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #62
Total Producing Wells 239
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2023
Total Oil Production 16,896 BBls
Total Gas Production 4,319,628 MCFs
Total BOE Production 736,632 BBls
Producing Counties Armstrong County Clarion County Erie County Jefferson County

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Wells in Pennsylvania operated by Empire Energy E & P LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
37-049-24083 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 ALEX KIEKLAK 1 Gas 0 BBLs 6,528 MCFs
37-049-24206 Empire Energy E & P LLC N/A ALEX KIEKLAK 2 Gas 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-065-23270 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 AL HETRICK 1 Gas 0 BBLs 20,364 MCFs
37-049-21387 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2020 ALTON WETHLI 1 Gas 0 BBLs 288 MCFs
37-049-21588 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 ANDREW KATREN 1 Gas 0 BBLs 8,796 MCFs
37-065-23979 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 ANNABELLE YEANEY 1 101 Gas 0 BBLs 22,176 MCFs
37-049-21363 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 ARTHUR ROSE 1 Gas 0 BBLs 7,632 MCFs
37-049-21497 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 ARTHUR ROSE 2 Gas 0 BBLs 11,856 MCFs
37-031-00987 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 B EAKER 12 1/2 ACRES 2 Gas 0 BBLs 1,344 MCFs
37-031-20271 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2015 BERNADETTE GREENAWALT 1 Oil 0 BBLs 6,816 MCFs
37-031-21038 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BERNADETTE T LUCAS 2 Oil 0 BBLs 1,596 MCFs
37-031-21039 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BERNADETTE T LUCAS 3 Gas 0 BBLs 4,716 MCFs
37-031-21040 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BERNADETTE T LUCAS 4 Gas 12 BBLs 2,700 MCFs
37-031-22859 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BERNADETTE T LUCAS 5 Oil 12 BBLs 6,288 MCFs
37-065-25687 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BETHLEHEM LUTH CEMETERY ASSN 1 Gas 0 BBLs 1,536 MCFs
37-031-22774 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BILLY DINGER 1 Gas 0 BBLs 10,596 MCFs
37-031-22773 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 BILLY DINGER 2 Gas 0 BBLs 8,748 MCFs
37-031-23930 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2013 BRADLEY SMITH EXOR 1 Gas 0 BBLs 312 MCFs
37-049-21262 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CARL JR & BETTY HUNT 1 Gas 0 BBLs 29,160 MCFs
37-049-21263 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CARL JR & BETTY HUNT 1 Gas 0 BBLs 27,768 MCFs
37-031-22703 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES A MCCAULEY 1 Gas 0 BBLs 15,336 MCFs
37-031-22688 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES BE MILLER ET UX 1 Gas 0 BBLs 44,064 MCFs
37-049-21494 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2012 CHARLES BENDIG 1 Gas 0 BBLs 24 MCFs
37-049-21580 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2012 CHARLES BENDIG 2 Gas 0 BBLs 1,296 MCFs
37-031-22716 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2014 CHARLES B MILLER ET UX 2 Gas 0 BBLs 48 MCFs
37-031-22717 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES B MILLER ET UX 3 Gas 0 BBLs 7,464 MCFs
37-049-22343 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES BORSTORFF 1 Gas 0 BBLs 4,068 MCFs
37-049-22344 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES BORSTORFF 2 Gas 0 BBLs 1,224 MCFs
37-065-24458 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CHARLES H SEELEY 2 0 BBLs 11,064 MCFs
37-031-23444 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 C H NEISWONGER 1 Gas 0 BBLs 7,584 MCFs
37-031-22837 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 C H NEISWONGER 2 Gas 0 BBLs 20,436 MCFs
37-031-22984 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 C H NEISWONGER 3 Gas 0 BBLs 15,384 MCFs
37-031-23443 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 C H NEISWONGER 4 Gas 0 BBLs 18,012 MCFs
37-031-20281 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2019 CH NEISWONGER 5 Gas 0 BBLs 48 MCFs
37-031-23455 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 C H NEISWONGER 6 Gas 0 BBLs 13,212 MCFs
37-031-22702 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 CLYDE MILES PETTRUNY 1 Gas 0 BBLs 26,832 MCFs
37-031-22516 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 COLONEL JOHN W BLOTZER ET AL 2 Gas 0 BBLs 1,584 MCFs
37-031-21158 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2021 DARL KENNEMUTH ET UX 1 0 BBLs 36 MCFs
37-031-20826 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DARL KENNEMUTH ET UX 4 Gas 0 BBLs 3,732 MCFs
37-031-20827 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DARL KENNEMUTH ET UX 5 Gas 0 BBLs 3,648 MCFs
37-031-20074 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DARL L KENNEMUTH ET UX 1 Gas 0 BBLs 864 MCFs
37-031-22429 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DARL L KENNEMUTH ET UX 1 Gas 0 BBLs 12,924 MCFs
37-031-21620 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DARL L KENNEMUTH ET UX 2 Gas 0 BBLs 4,500 MCFs
37-049-24208 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2022 DAVID GIFFORD 4 Gas 0 BBLs 816 MCFs
37-049-20501 Empire Energy E & P LLC N/A DAVID MOORHEAD 1 Gas 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
37-049-24234 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2014 DAVIS GIFFORD 3 Gas 0 BBLs 3,264 MCFs
37-049-21696 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 D BRIGGS 1 Gas 0 BBLs 9,804 MCFs
37-005-25877 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DELORES SHERMAN 2 Gas 0 BBLs 15,300 MCFs
37-049-24069 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2022 D GIFFORD 1 Gas 0 BBLs 24 MCFs
37-031-24928 Empire Energy E & P LLC 12-01-2023 DINGER 7 Gas 0 BBLs 66,192 MCFs

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Empire Energy E & P Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Empire Energy E & P Llc
380 Sourthpointe Blvd
Suite 130 CANONSBURG , PA . 15317


About Empire Energy E & P Llc

Empire Energy E & P Llc is currently ranked #62 in the state of Pennsylvania based on a total production of 736,632 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 1 BBLs oil and 1 MCF of gas, coming from 239 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Empire Energy E & P Llc can drill in the future.