Harper Crosby Holdings Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Harper Crosby Holdings Llc   Po Box 14604   PITTSBURGH , PA . 15234-0604

Harper Crosby Holdings Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #117
Total Producing Wells 27
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2023
Total Oil Production 0 BBls
Total Gas Production 442,068 MCFs
Total BOE Production 73,668 BBls
Producing Counties Greene County Westmoreland County

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Wells in Pennsylvania operated by Harper Crosby Holdings LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
37-129-26146 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 ALAN WEIMER 1-P046 Gas 0 BBLs 87,720 MCFs
37-129-26257 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 APOLLO TRUST COMPANY 1-P027 Gas 0 BBLs 28,740 MCFs
37-129-26188 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 BARGERSTOCK 1-P028 Gas 0 BBLs 91,944 MCFs
37-059-24901 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 CUCUMBER TREE FARM INC 1 Gas 0 BBLs 10,428 MCFs
37-059-23930 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 CUMPSTON 1-P050A Gas 0 BBLs 64,140 MCFs
37-059-23774 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 ELY 1-P007 Gas 0 BBLs 81,984 MCFs
37-059-23749 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 HENNEN 1-P003 Gas 0 BBLs 27,564 MCFs
37-059-23953 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 HIBBS 1-P062 Gas 0 BBLs 28,656 MCFs
37-059-23758 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 HOLT 1-P005 Gas 0 BBLs 56,412 MCFs
37-059-23752 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 KELLER 1-P008 Gas 0 BBLs 14,304 MCFs
37-129-26311 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 KELLER 1-P034 Gas 0 BBLs 29,484 MCFs
37-129-26312 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 LITEFUL 1-P033 Gas 0 BBLs 71,568 MCFs
37-059-23954 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 MYERS 1 P063 Gas 0 BBLs 44,292 MCFs
37-129-26147 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 NACEY 1-P036 Gas 0 BBLs 73,188 MCFs
37-129-26231 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 PIERRO 1-P039 Gas 0 BBLs 1,908 MCFs
37-059-24078 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RALPH SIX 1-P078 Gas 0 BBLs 10,224 MCFs
37-059-24079 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RALPH SIX 2-P107 Gas 0 BBLs 32,628 MCFs
37-059-24080 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RALPH SIX 3-P108 Gas 0 BBLs 1,992 MCFs
37-059-23756 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RICE 1-P004 Gas 0 BBLs 4,380 MCFs
37-059-23746 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RODE 1-P006 Gas 0 BBLs 13,956 MCFs
37-059-23747 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 RODE 2-P048 Gas 0 BBLs 25,656 MCFs
37-059-23755 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 SHIPLEY 1-P002 Gas 0 BBLs 8,124 MCFs
37-129-26206 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 TERRENCE SHAFFER 1-P041 Gas 0 BBLs 42,732 MCFs
37-129-26205 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 WEIMER ENTERPRISES INC 1-P045 Gas 0 BBLs 74,280 MCFs
37-129-26328 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 WEIMER/REYNOLD 1-P047 Gas 0 BBLs 16,116 MCFs
37-129-26204 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 WILLIAM KELLER 2-P035 Gas 0 BBLs 92,820 MCFs
37-129-26207 Harper Crosby Holdings LLC 12-01-2023 WILLIAM SHAFFER 1-P040 Gas 0 BBLs 7,104 MCFs

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Harper Crosby Holdings Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Harper Crosby Holdings Llc
Po Box 14604
PITTSBURGH , PA . 15234-0604


About Harper Crosby Holdings Llc

Harper Crosby Holdings Llc is currently ranked #117 in the state of Pennsylvania based on a total production of 73,668 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 27 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Harper Crosby Holdings Llc can drill in the future.