Sandstone Dev Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Sandstone Dev Llc   557 Interstate Pkwy   BRADFORD , PA . 16701-2922

Sandstone Dev Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #67
Total Producing Wells 204
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2023
Total Oil Production 57,420 BBls
Total Gas Production 184,488 MCFs
Total BOE Production 88,068 BBls
Producing Counties McKean County

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Wells in Pennsylvania operated by Sandstone Dev LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
37-083-54319 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 301 Oil 3,336 BBLs 10,920 MCFs
37-083-54774 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 302 Oil 2,724 BBLs 9,096 MCFs
37-083-54775 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 303 Oil 2,724 BBLs 9,096 MCFs
37-083-54320 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 304 Oil 3,360 BBLs 10,920 MCFs
37-083-54776 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 305 Oil 2,724 BBLs 9,096 MCFs
37-083-54777 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 306 Oil 2,724 BBLs 9,096 MCFs
37-083-54321 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 307 Oil 3,336 BBLs 10,920 MCFs
37-083-54322 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 308 Oil 3,336 BBLs 10,920 MCFs
37-083-54778 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 309 Oil 2,724 BBLs 9,348 MCFs
37-083-54323 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 310 Oil 3,336 BBLs 10,656 MCFs
37-083-55389 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 315 Oil 2,436 BBLs 8,292 MCFs
37-083-55390 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 316 Oil 2,436 BBLs 8,292 MCFs
37-083-55391 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 317 Oil 2,436 BBLs 8,292 MCFs
37-083-55392 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 318 Oil 2,436 BBLs 8,292 MCFs
37-083-55393 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 ANDRUS & MCDOWELL 319 Oil 2,436 BBLs 8,256 MCFs
37-083-49360 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D1 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49441 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D11 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49982 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D12 Oil 396 BBLs 7,224 MCFs
37-083-49361 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D2 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49362 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D3 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49363 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D4 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49364 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D5 Oil 228 BBLs 6,192 MCFs
37-083-49979 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D7 Oil 396 BBLs 7,224 MCFs
37-083-49980 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D8 Oil 396 BBLs 7,224 MCFs
37-083-49981 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 DUFFY ESTATE D9 Oil 396 BBLs 7,224 MCFs
37-083-53643 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 EIDSON 1 Oil 1,308 BBLs 5,700 MCFs
37-083-48469 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 FLETCHER 1 Oil 264 BBLs 5,328 MCFs
37-083-48470 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 FLETCHER 2 Oil 264 BBLs 5,328 MCFs
37-083-48477 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 FLETCHER 3 Oil 264 BBLs 5,328 MCFs
37-083-48471 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 FLETCHER 4 Oil 264 BBLs 5,328 MCFs
37-083-50150 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG1 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-52103 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG11 Oil 984 BBLs 3,612 MCFs
37-083-51736 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG12 Oil 984 BBLs 3,612 MCFs
37-083-51737 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG14 Oil 984 BBLs 3,612 MCFs
37-083-52004 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG16 Oil 1,284 BBLs 3,624 MCFs
37-083-52005 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG17 Oil 1,284 BBLs 3,624 MCFs
37-083-50151 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG2 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-50152 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG3 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-50948 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16DG DG4 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-50942 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16DG DG5 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-51055 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16DG DG6 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-51056 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16DG DG7 Oil 912 BBLs 3,768 MCFs
37-083-51735 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG8 Oil 984 BBLs 3,612 MCFs
37-083-51754 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 16 DG DG9 Oil 984 BBLs 3,612 MCFs
37-083-51739 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 17 DG DG17 1 Oil 1,284 BBLs 3,624 MCFs
37-083-52006 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 LOT 17 DG DG17 2 Oil 1,284 BBLs 3,624 MCFs
37-083-48884 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 MCKAY 12A Oil 144 BBLs 3,360 MCFs
37-083-49599 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 MCKAY 15A Oil 144 BBLs 3,360 MCFs
37-083-49600 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 MCKAY 16A Oil 144 BBLs 3,360 MCFs
37-083-49408 Sandstone Dev LLC 12-01-2023 MCKAY 17A Oil 144 BBLs 3,360 MCFs

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Sandstone Dev Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


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Sandstone Dev Llc
557 Interstate Pkwy
BRADFORD , PA . 16701-2922


About Sandstone Dev Llc

Sandstone Dev Llc is currently ranked #67 in the state of Pennsylvania based on a total production of 88,068 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 54 BBLs oil and 54 MCF of gas, coming from 204 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Sandstone Dev Llc can drill in the future.