Callon (eagle Ford) Llc

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Business Address: Callon (eagle Ford) Llc     HOUSTON , TX .

Callon (eagle Ford) Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #75
Total Producing Wells 624
Most Recent Production Month 06-01-2023
Total Oil Production 47,101,900 BBls
Total Gas Production 88,124,624 MCFs
Total BOE Production 61,789,445 BBls
Producing Counties Atascosa County La Salle County McMullen County

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Wells in Texas operated by Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-283-37167 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 69H Eagleville Oil 186,074 BBLs 298,873 MCFs
42-283-37137 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 86H Eagleville Oil 200,953 BBLs 228,042 MCFs
42-283-37138 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 87H Eagleville Oil 200,953 BBLs 228,042 MCFs
42-283-37141 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 880H Eagleville Oil 200,953 BBLs 228,042 MCFs
42-283-37139 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 88H Eagleville Oil 200,953 BBLs 228,042 MCFs
42-283-37140 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust 89H Eagleville Oil 200,953 BBLs 228,042 MCFs
42-283-37165 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust A1 67H Eagleville Oil 170,329 BBLs 165,835 MCFs
42-283-37166 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust A2 68H Eagleville Oil 173,194 BBLs 304,019 MCFs
42-283-37168 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust A4 600H Eagleville Oil 154,765 BBLs 280,243 MCFs
42-283-37169 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Brown Trust A5 601H Eagleville Oil 165,300 BBLs 292,967 MCFs
42-311-37368 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Camaro Poenisch A1 50H Eagleville Oil 67,858 BBLs 32,492 MCFs
42-311-37369 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Camaro Poenisch A2 51H Eagleville Oil 65,004 BBLs 36,009 MCFs
42-311-37370 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Camaro Poenisch A3 52H Eagleville Oil 71,992 BBLs 39,520 MCFs
42-283-37039 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Gardendale Ab Alloc C 110H Eagleville Oil 181,502 BBLs 231,417 MCFs
42-283-37040 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Gardendale Abd Alloc D 111H Eagleville Oil 228,253 BBLs 328,508 MCFs
42-283-37041 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Gardendale Cd Alloc A 220H Eagleville Oil 268,498 BBLs 301,392 MCFs
42-283-37042 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Gardendale Cd Alloc B 221H Eagleville Oil 240,957 BBLs 372,717 MCFs
42-311-35493 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 03-01-2022 Gran Torino A Eagleville Gas 0 BBLs 110,025 MCFs
42-311-37235 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Hardin-rayes A1 19AH Eagleville Oil 40,057 BBLs 28,873 MCFs
42-311-37229 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Hardin-rayes Unit 16H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 2,563 MCFs
42-311-37233 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Hardin-rayes Unit 17H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 2,563 MCFs
42-311-37234 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Hardin-rayes Unit 18H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 2,563 MCFs
42-163-33521 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 04-01-2020 Hardin Unit Eagleville Oil 123,679 BBLs 372,600 MCFs
42-163-33571 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2021 Harper Ranch Briscoe Ranch Oil 62,482 BBLs 212,296 MCFs
42-163-33577 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2021 Harper Ranch Briscoe Ranch Oil 59,149 BBLs 205,838 MCFs
42-321-31927 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2022 Huebner, Pauline A-382 1 Provedence Oil 306,987 BBLs 845,348 MCFs
42-321-32007 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2022 Huebner, Pauline A-382 4 Provedence Oil 306,987 BBLs 845,348 MCFs
42-283-37111 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Irvin East 880H Eagleville Oil 127,621 BBLs 77,824 MCFs
42-283-37112 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Irvin East 881H Eagleville Oil 127,621 BBLs 77,824 MCFs
42-283-37113 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Irvin East 882H Eagleville Oil 127,621 BBLs 77,824 MCFs
42-283-37114 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Irvin East 883H Eagleville Oil 127,621 BBLs 77,824 MCFs
42-283-37123 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Irvin East 884H Eagleville Oil 127,621 BBLs 77,824 MCFs
42-283-33617 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2020 Jasik Eagleville Gas 0 BBLs 532,333 MCFs
42-283-37019 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jasik-garcia Alloc A 10H Eagleville Oil 90,676 BBLs 191,518 MCFs
42-283-37016 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jasik-garcia Alloc B 11H Eagleville Oil 99,806 BBLs 254,224 MCFs
42-283-37017 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jasik-garcia Alloc C 12H Eagleville Oil 144,916 BBLs 342,017 MCFs
42-283-37018 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jasik-garcia Alloc D 14H Eagleville Oil 172,329 BBLs 394,290 MCFs
42-283-35833 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 11-01-2021 Jasik Ranch A Unit Eagleville Gas 0 BBLs 240,565 MCFs
42-283-37363 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jlh Lic B Unit 20H Eagleville Oil 42,402 BBLs 61,966 MCFs
42-283-37364 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jlh Lic B Unit 21H Eagleville Oil 42,402 BBLs 61,966 MCFs
42-283-34285 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC Jlh Lic D Unit Eagleville Gas 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-283-33412 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 04-01-2023 Jlh Lic D Unit Eagleville Gas 0 BBLs 164,961 MCFs
42-283-37369 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Jlh Lic F-g-a Alloc H 19H Eagleville Oil 88,946 BBLs 82,678 MCFs
42-283-37063 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Millett-pavelka Alloc A 50H Eagleville Oil 130,449 BBLs 119,870 MCFs
42-283-37064 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Millett-pavelka Alloc B 51H Eagleville Oil 107,122 BBLs 134,326 MCFs
42-311-37195 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Morrill Ranch 20H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 70,280 MCFs
42-311-37196 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Morrill Ranch 21H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 70,280 MCFs
42-283-37045 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Pena-winfield A Unit 54H Eagleville Oil 131,922 BBLs 159,316 MCFs
42-283-37046 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Pena-winfield A Unit 55H Eagleville Oil 131,922 BBLs 159,316 MCFs
42-311-37197 Callon (Eagle Ford) LLC 05-01-2024 Phz Unit 22H Eagleville Oil 0 BBLs 15,543 MCFs

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Callon (eagle Ford) Llc Contact Info:


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Callon (eagle Ford) Llc



About Callon (eagle Ford) Llc

Callon (eagle Ford) Llc is currently ranked #75 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 61,789,445 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 06-01-2023. The company has an estimated daily production of 17,535 BBLs oil and 17,535 MCF of gas, coming from 624 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Callon (eagle Ford) Llc can drill in the future.