Earthstone Operating, Llc

Contact Phone: (281) 298-4246

Business Address: Earthstone Operating, Llc   1400 Woodloch Forest Dr Ste 300   THE WOODLANDS , TX . 77380-1197

Earthstone Operating, Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #195
Total Producing Wells 13
Most Recent Production Month 05-01-2024
Total Oil Production 40,928,703 BBls
Total Gas Production 239,249,216 MCFs
Total BOE Production 80,803,541 BBls
Producing Counties Loving County

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Wells in Texas operated by Earthstone Operating, LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-383-20556 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Ball, Fred, -a- Spraberry Oil 7,829 BBLs 30,341 MCFs
42-383-10914 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Ball, Fred, -a- 1 Spraberry Oil 7,829 BBLs 30,341 MCFs
42-383-30009 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Ball, Fred, -a- 2 Spraberry Oil 7,829 BBLs 30,341 MCFs
42-383-36068 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Ball, Fred, -a- 3 Spraberry Oil 7,829 BBLs 30,341 MCFs
42-383-36075 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Ball, Fred, -a- 4 Spraberry Oil 7,829 BBLs 30,341 MCFs
42-383-32698 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Barkley 2 Spraberry Gas 3,012 BBLs 273,709 MCFs
42-235-36493 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 103s101 1BL Spraberry Oil 173,389 BBLs 829,265 MCFs
42-235-36495 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 103s101 2BU Spraberry Oil 173,389 BBLs 829,265 MCFs
42-235-36494 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 103s101 3BL Spraberry Oil 173,389 BBLs 829,265 MCFs
42-235-36491 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 1BL Spraberry Oil 150,176 BBLs 332,661 MCFs
42-235-36492 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 2BU Spraberry Oil 150,176 BBLs 332,661 MCFs
42-235-36531 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 77n79 A 2BU Spraberry Oil 80,004 BBLs 389,167 MCFs
42-235-36532 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 77n79 B 4BL Spraberry Oil 100,842 BBLs 544,802 MCFs
42-235-36528 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 77s75 A 1BL Spraberry Oil 93,742 BBLs 592,132 MCFs
42-235-36529 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 77s75 B 3BU Spraberry Oil 114,628 BBLs 619,866 MCFs
42-235-36530 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Barnhart 77s75 C 5BL Spraberry Oil 155,520 BBLs 484,079 MCFs
42-461-41894 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 A 2C Spraberry Oil 143,079 BBLs 375,260 MCFs
42-461-41902 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 A 3BU Spraberry Oil 143,079 BBLs 375,260 MCFs
42-461-41903 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 B 4BL Spraberry Oil 133,717 BBLs 282,681 MCFs
42-461-41904 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 B 5A Spraberry Oil 133,717 BBLs 282,681 MCFs
42-461-41906 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 B 6C Spraberry Oil 133,717 BBLs 282,681 MCFs
42-461-41905 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3-6 C 7BU Spraberry Oil 194,691 BBLs 378,194 MCFs
42-461-42266 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East A 1BL Spraberry Oil 86,073 BBLs 112,243 MCFs
42-461-42267 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East A 2A Spraberry Oil 86,073 BBLs 112,243 MCFs
42-461-42268 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East B 3C Spraberry Oil 115,882 BBLs 206,170 MCFs
42-461-42269 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East B 4BU Spraberry Oil 115,882 BBLs 206,170 MCFs
42-461-42270 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East D 5BL Spraberry Oil 14,104 BBLs 18,546 MCFs
42-461-42271 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East D 6BL Spraberry Oil 14,104 BBLs 18,546 MCFs
42-461-42275 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East E 8BU Spraberry Oil 19,950 BBLs 21,798 MCFs
42-461-42274 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Benedum 3 East E 9C Spraberry Oil 19,950 BBLs 21,798 MCFs
42-383-40614 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Char 46-9 B 2A Spraberry Oil 202,510 BBLs 1,291,835 MCFs
42-235-34976 Earthstone Operating, LLC 08-01-2021 Cox '60a' 1 Spraberry Oil 24,125 BBLs 55,878 MCFs
42-235-35059 Earthstone Operating, LLC 08-01-2021 Cox '60a' 2 Spraberry Oil 0 BBLs 65,273 MCFs
42-235-35574 Earthstone Operating, LLC 08-01-2021 Cox '60a' 3 Spraberry Oil 20,066 BBLs 120,073 MCFs
42-235-31996 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-31868 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 1 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-32144 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 10 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-32195 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 13 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-32363 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 18 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-31870 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 2 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-31995 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 3 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-235-32490 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Farmar-sugg 38 2 Rock Pen Oil 7,480 BBLs 120,771 MCFs
42-235-32592 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Farmar-sugg 38 4 Rock Pen Oil 7,480 BBLs 120,771 MCFs
42-235-32647 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Farmar-sugg 38 5 Rock Pen Oil 7,480 BBLs 120,771 MCFs
42-235-32745 Earthstone Operating, LLC 11-01-2021 Farmar-sugg 38 7 Rock Pen Oil 7,480 BBLs 120,771 MCFs
42-235-32071 Earthstone Operating, LLC 06-01-2022 Farmar-sugg 6 Rock Pen Oil 2,063 BBLs 62,007 MCFs
42-383-00270 Earthstone Operating, LLC 01-01-2021 Greer, O. L. 1 Spraberry Oil 14,940 BBLs 106,612 MCFs
42-383-00271 Earthstone Operating, LLC 01-01-2021 Greer, O. L. 2 Spraberry Oil 12,199 BBLs 89,681 MCFs
42-135-43974 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Haag Hz Unit 10MS Spraberry Oil 76,937 BBLs 72,169 MCFs
42-135-43985 Earthstone Operating, LLC 05-01-2024 Haag Hz Unit 1LS Spraberry Oil 76,937 BBLs 72,169 MCFs

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Earthstone Operating, Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Earthstone Operating, Llc
1400 Woodloch Forest Dr Ste 300
THE WOODLANDS , TX . 77380-1197


(281) 298-4246

About Earthstone Operating, Llc

Earthstone Operating, Llc is currently ranked #195 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 80,803,541 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 05-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 2,551 BBLs oil and 2,551 MCF of gas, coming from 13 actively producing wells in the state.

There are 13 permits filed with the state that Earthstone Operating, Llc can drill in the future.