Frio Resources, Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Frio Resources, Llc     HOUSTON , TX . 77024

Frio Resources, Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #708
Total Producing Wells 19
Most Recent Production Month 05-01-2024
Total Oil Production 164,781 BBls
Total Gas Production 144,574 MCFs
Total BOE Production 188,890 BBls
Producing Counties Victoria County

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Wells in Texas operated by Frio Resources, LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-469-00754 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00197 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 11 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00198 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 13 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00199 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 15 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00202 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 18 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00203 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 19 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00751 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 22 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00207 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 24 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00225 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 25 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-00253 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 29 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-32880 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 35 Koontz Oil 62,000 BBLs 34,043 MCFs
42-469-32967 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 39 Koontz Oil 0 BBLs 142,598 MCFs
42-469-34459 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 41H Koontz Oil 41,681 BBLs 24,495 MCFs
42-469-34468 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 42H Koontz Oil 84,445 BBLs 47,068 MCFs
42-469-34481 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 43H Koontz Oil 0 BBLs 2,582 MCFs
42-469-34482 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 44H Koontz Oil 0 BBLs 2,582 MCFs
42-469-34504 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 45 Koontz Oil 0 BBLs 2,582 MCFs
42-469-34511 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 47 Koontz Oil 3,374 BBLs 2,499 MCFs
42-469-34515 Frio Resources, LLC 05-01-2024 Keeran -a- 48 Koontz Oil 2,567 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-373-31358 Frio Resources, LLC 06-01-2023 Sarah F. Wing 89 Ace, North Gas 0 BBLs 43,910 MCFs

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Frio Resources, Llc Contact Info:


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Frio Resources, Llc

HOUSTON , TX . 77024


About Frio Resources, Llc

Frio Resources, Llc is currently ranked #708 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 188,890 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 05-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 107 BBLs oil and 107 MCF of gas, coming from 19 actively producing wells in the state.

There are 1 permits filed with the state that Frio Resources, Llc can drill in the future.