Johnson & Lindley, Llc

Contact Phone: (713) 627-1101

Business Address: Johnson & Lindley, Llc   Po Box 27727   HOUSTON , TX . 77227-7727

Johnson & Lindley, Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #754
Total Producing Wells 14
Most Recent Production Month 10-01-2024
Total Oil Production 14 BBls
Total Gas Production 2,643,916 MCFs
Total BOE Production 440,668 BBls
Producing Counties Edwards County Sutton County

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Wells in Texas operated by Johnson & Lindley, LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-137-30058 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Cox -84- 1 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 572,944 MCFs
42-435-30225 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 09-01-2017 Cox, L. L. -70- 2 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 1,397,785 MCFs
42-435-30332 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Cox, L. L. -83- 4 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 1,379,218 MCFs
42-435-31286 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 04-01-2024 Cox, L. L. -84- 6 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 464,119 MCFs
42-137-30089 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Epps-texas A & M -47- 2 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 668,769 MCFs
42-137-30051 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Hill, Frances -68- 3 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 307,842 MCFs
42-137-30050 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Hill, Frances -85- 2 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 601,942 MCFs
42-137-31159 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Hill, Frances "85" 6 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 322,420 MCFs
42-137-30992 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A&m "62" 7 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 2,416,151 MCFs
42-137-31517 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -63- 1 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 739,071 MCFs
42-137-30056 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -63- 2 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 841,958 MCFs
42-137-30109 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -63- 5 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 59,424 MCFs
42-137-30054 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -69- 1 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 1,599,425 MCFs
42-137-31521 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M "69" 2 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 843,385 MCFs
42-435-30189 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -69- 3 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 2,920,744 MCFs
42-435-30202 Johnson & Lindley, LLC 10-01-2024 Texas A & M -69- 4 Frances Hill Gas 0 BBLs 1,610,687 MCFs

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Johnson & Lindley, Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Johnson & Lindley, Llc
Po Box 27727
HOUSTON , TX . 77227-7727


(713) 627-1101

About Johnson & Lindley, Llc

Johnson & Lindley, Llc is currently ranked #754 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 440,668 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 10-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 14 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Johnson & Lindley, Llc can drill in the future.