Maximus Operating, Ltd.

Contact Phone: (903) 753-0941

Business Address: Maximus Operating, Ltd.   P O Box 1706   LONGVIEW , TX . 75606-1706

Maximus Operating, Ltd. Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #331
Total Producing Wells 12
Most Recent Production Month 10-01-2024
Total Oil Production 2,955,947 BBls
Total Gas Production 24,773,824 MCFs
Total BOE Production 7,084,905 BBls
Producing Counties Cherokee County Henderson County Houston County Smith County Wood County

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Wells in Texas operated by Maximus Operating, LTD.

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-423-32297 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Anderson Charitable Trust 1 Crow Oil 907,171 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-32304 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Anderson Charitable Trust 2 Crow Oil 127,975 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-32306 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Anderson Charitable Trust 3 Crow Oil 127,975 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-32307 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Anderson Charitable Trust 4 Crow Oil 127,975 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-32320 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Anderson Charitable Trust 5 Crow Oil 85,157 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-31492 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Bradie O Hopper 1 Wildcat Oil 358,601 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-32435 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Bradie O Hopper 2 Wildcat Oil 205,268 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-365-34386 Maximus Operating, LTD. 07-01-2011 Brantley, Bertha Et Al 2 Joaquin Gas 0 BBLs 219,663 MCFs
42-423-32352 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Burleson 1 Mbt Oil 19,408 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-423-31997 Maximus Operating, LTD. 05-01-2023 Carter Estates 3 Black Fork Creek Gas 0 BBLs 205,108 MCFs
42-419-30596 Maximus Operating, LTD. 05-01-1997 Childress, W. B. 1 Joaquin Gas 2,282 BBLs 236,588 MCFs
42-423-31363 Maximus Operating, LTD. 02-01-2023 Cole, William F. Jr. Hopper Gas 0 BBLs 2,299,577 MCFs
42-073-31235 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Goodson Gas Unit 1 Reklaw Gas 0 BBLs 56,149 MCFs
42-365-37764 Maximus Operating, LTD. N/A Gordon, A. R. Heirs Huxley Gas 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-225-31146 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Mcfaddin 1 Navarro Crossing Gas 0 BBLs 303,391 MCFs
42-001-32299 Maximus Operating, LTD. 04-01-2015 Monnig "b" 2 Long Lake Gas 0 BBLs 88,666 MCFs
42-001-32481 Maximus Operating, LTD. 12-01-2006 Monnig "e" 1 Long Lake Gas 0 BBLs 3,650 MCFs
42-001-01221 Maximus Operating, LTD. 03-01-2006 Monnig, J. O. & Hugo Long Lake Gas 0 BBLs 536,158 MCFs
42-423-32371 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Parks 1 Mbt Oil 10,720 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-419-31066 Maximus Operating, LTD. 02-01-2014 Powdrill 1 Joaquin Gas 0 BBLs 1,401,863 MCFs
42-499-32120 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Richard Matthews Et Al 2 Crow Oil 308,991 BBLs 56,604 MCFs
42-499-32119 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Richard Matthews Et Al Unit 1 Crow Oil 214,067 BBLs 42,996 MCFs
42-423-32181 Maximus Operating, LTD. 06-01-2015 Scull 1 Winona Oil 47,226 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-213-31039 Maximus Operating, LTD. N/A Wilson, Janet Et Al 1 Tom Burchard Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-213-31045 Maximus Operating, LTD. 10-01-2024 Wilson, Janet Et Al 2 Tom Burchard Oil 98,123 BBLs 0 MCFs

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Maximus Operating, Ltd. Contact Info:


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Maximus Operating, Ltd.
P O Box 1706
LONGVIEW , TX . 75606-1706


(903) 753-0941

About Maximus Operating, Ltd.

Maximus Operating, Ltd. is currently ranked #331 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 7,084,905 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 10-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 697 BBLs oil and 697 MCF of gas, coming from 12 actively producing wells in the state.

There are 1 permits filed with the state that Maximus Operating, Ltd. can drill in the future.