Roberts & Hammack Inc.

Contact Phone: (214) 369-6310

Business Address: Roberts & Hammack Inc.   4925 Greenville Avenue Ste 1140   DALLAS , TX . 75206

Roberts & Hammack Inc. Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #750
Total Producing Wells 54
Most Recent Production Month 10-01-2024
Total Oil Production 375,427 BBls
Total Gas Production 4,959,878 MCFs
Total BOE Production 1,201,694 BBls
Producing Counties Foard County Hardeman County Leon County

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Wells in Texas operated by Roberts & Hammack Inc.

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-289-30014 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbright, Jeter 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 135,986 MCFs
42-289-30398 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbritton, Bessie 2 Red Oak Oil 6,744 BBLs 395 MCFs
42-289-30396 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbritton, Bessie Gas Unit -a- 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 312,051 MCFs
42-289-30097 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbritton, E. R. "b" 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 226,667 MCFs
42-289-31376 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbritton, E.r. Unit 1 3 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 352,317 MCFs
42-289-00351 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Allbritton, Weldon 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 111,679 MCFs
42-289-30833 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Alston-guokas Oil Unit 1 Red Oak Oil 22,236 BBLs 17,457 MCFs
42-289-30546 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Belger, R. Unit Red Oak Oil 17,040 BBLs 20,288 MCFs
42-289-30104 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Black, W. D. 1 Red Oak Oil 14,930 BBLs 49,420 MCFs
42-289-30308 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Black, W. D. 2 Red Oak Oil 14,930 BBLs 49,420 MCFs
42-289-30081 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Brown, Henry T. Et Al 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 232,684 MCFs
42-289-00335 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 02-01-2012 Cadenhead, C. L. 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 39,166 MCFs
42-289-30080 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 06-01-2016 Cadenhead-lamons 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 117,960 MCFs
42-289-30057 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 06-01-2016 Cadenhead-wasson 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 145,513 MCFs
42-289-30598 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Caldwell 1 Red Oak Oil 14,673 BBLs 26,764 MCFs
42-289-30834 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Caldwell "state" 1 Red Oak Oil 7,633 BBLs 18,796 MCFs
42-289-30947 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Caldwell "state" 2 Red Oak Oil 7,633 BBLs 18,796 MCFs
42-383-01141 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 11-01-2019 Cara 1 Spraberry Oil 7,625 BBLs 22,498 MCFs
42-383-01143 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 11-01-2019 Cara 3 Spraberry Oil 5,547 BBLs 14,830 MCFs
42-289-30330 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 C.l.cadenhead 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 126,526 MCFs
42-289-30384 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Donahoe, James 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 110,326 MCFs
42-289-30733 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Donahoe, James 3 Red Oak Oil 17,427 BBLs 1,043 MCFs
42-289-30087 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Doris Stone 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 126,789 MCFs
42-289-30499 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Dotson, Alice "a" 2 Red Oak Oil 14,214 BBLs 14,866 MCFs
42-289-30557 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Dotson, Alice "a" 3 Red Oak Oil 14,214 BBLs 14,866 MCFs
42-289-30570 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Dotson, Alice "a" 4 Red Oak Oil 14,214 BBLs 14,866 MCFs
42-289-31567 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 03-01-2015 Frison 1 Red Oak Oil 6,926 BBLs 6,349 MCFs
42-289-31712 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 08-01-2014 Frison "a" 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 753,742 MCFs
42-289-30114 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 09-01-2016 Gasaway, T. S. Unit 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 65,238 MCFs
42-289-00597 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Graham, Myrtle 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 464,685 MCFs
42-289-31653 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2012 Graham (woodbine) Gas Unit 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 968,784 MCFs
42-289-31660 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 05-01-2014 Graham (woodbine) Gas Unit 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 1,032,682 MCFs
42-289-30617 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Guokas, Charles 1 Red Oak Oil 21,074 BBLs 11,829 MCFs
42-289-20007 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 09-01-2024 Harcrow 1 Red Oak Oil 9,703 BBLs 399 MCFs
42-289-00322 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Harcrow, T. E. 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 155,657 MCFs
42-289-30077 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Harcrow, T. E. Unit #1 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 81,357 MCFs
42-289-31448 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Harcrow, T.e. Unit 1 3 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 29,472 MCFs
42-289-30096 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Harcrow, T. E. Unit 2 3 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 135,964 MCFs
42-289-31707 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Jeter 1 Red Oak Oil 35,630 BBLs 21,303 MCFs
42-289-30107 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Jones, Fred E. 1 Red Oak Oil 13,091 BBLs 402 MCFs
42-289-30103 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Jones, Ruth 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 88,103 MCFs
42-197-31715 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 01-01-2023 Judd 'a' 1 Trailer Oil 37,217 BBLs 122,109 MCFs
42-289-00349 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Kendall & Baker, Et Al, Oil Unit 1 Red Oak Oil 6,856 BBLs 342 MCFs
42-289-30380 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Kendall & Baker, Et Al, Oil Unit 2 Red Oak Oil 6,856 BBLs 342 MCFs
42-197-31146 Roberts & Hammack Inc. N/A KYLE A 1 Kyle (Miss) Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-289-30383 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 08-01-2017 Legalley, Frank 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 108,256 MCFs
42-289-30353 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Levine, Sam 2 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 453,554 MCFs
42-289-00348 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Levine, Sam, Et Al 1 Red Oak Gas 0 BBLs 336,406 MCFs
42-289-30558 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Lewis, C. L. 1 Red Oak Oil 14,710 BBLs 18,368 MCFs
42-289-30564 Roberts & Hammack Inc. 10-01-2024 Lewis, C. L. 2 Red Oak Oil 14,710 BBLs 18,368 MCFs

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Roberts & Hammack Inc. Contact Info:


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Roberts & Hammack Inc.
4925 Greenville Avenue Ste 1140
DALLAS , TX . 75206


(214) 369-6310

About Roberts & Hammack Inc.

Roberts & Hammack Inc. is currently ranked #750 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 1,201,694 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 10-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 47 BBLs oil and 47 MCF of gas, coming from 54 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Roberts & Hammack Inc. can drill in the future.