S.b. Street Operating, Inc.

Contact Phone: (940) 549-4060

Business Address: S.b. Street Operating, Inc.   P O Box 206   GRAHAM , TX . 76450

S.b. Street Operating, Inc. Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #443
Total Producing Wells 240
Most Recent Production Month 10-01-2024
Total Oil Production 3,587,263 BBls
Total Gas Production 3,043,051 MCFs
Total BOE Production 4,094,428 BBls
Producing Counties Callahan County Crockett County Fisher County Foard County Haskell County Jack County King County Runnels County Stephens County Stonewall County Taylor County Throckmorton County Young County

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Wells in Texas operated by S.B. Street Operating, Inc.

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-399-35141 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 12-01-2014 Adami Trust 1 Spike Oil 5,733 BBLs 6,829 MCFs
42-207-32990 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Adams 1 Wildcat Oil 12,479 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-33006 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Adams 2 Wildcat Oil 1,740 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-01039 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Adams-gray Unit 1 Sojourner Oil 13,470 BBLs 812 MCFs
42-207-01040 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Adams-gray Unit 2 Sojourner Oil 13,470 BBLs 812 MCFs
42-207-31891 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Adams-gray Unit 3 Sojourner Oil 13,470 BBLs 812 MCFs
42-207-32079 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Adams-gray Unit 4 Sojourner Oil 13,470 BBLs 812 MCFs
42-207-32080 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Adams-gray Unit 5 Sojourner Oil 13,470 BBLs 812 MCFs
42-503-41373 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 03-01-2011 Akers Young County Regular Oil 7,093 BBLs 90 MCFs
42-429-32471 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Akin-wright 1 Stephens County Regular Gas 0 BBLs 465,076 MCFs
42-429-33122 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Akin-wright 2 Akin Oil 5,043 BBLs 121,839 MCFs
42-429-33123 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2021 Akin-wright 3 B&L Oil 10,161 BBLs 110,334 MCFs
42-429-33158 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2021 Akin-wright 4 Akin Oil 10,302 BBLs 110,525 MCFs
42-269-30398 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 09-01-2013 Alexander 1 Buggs Oil 12,169 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-269-30834 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 09-01-2013 Alexander 5308 Buggs Oil 12,169 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-269-30773 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 09-01-2013 Alexander 533 Buggs Oil 12,169 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32888 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Alice 1 Haskell County Regular Oil 19,319 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-503-34200 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 06-01-2020 Allar "a" 1 Edmonds, E. Oil 883 BBLs 13,162 MCFs
42-503-08019 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Allar Company, The 1 Young County Regular Oil 2,191 BBLs 25,366 MCFs
42-503-34471 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 01-01-2020 Allar Company, The 4 Young County Regular Oil 2,191 BBLs 25,366 MCFs
42-503-39801 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 05-01-2021 Allen 1 Young County Regular Oil 38,197 BBLs 21 MCFs
42-503-41406 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 05-01-2021 Allen 2 Edmonds, E. Oil 9,452 BBLs 8,479 MCFs
42-207-32857 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. N/A Amy 1 Wildcat Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-253-35455 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. N/A Anson Lake 1 Lueders, S. Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-447-36058 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Ash 248 1 Throckmorton County Regular Oil 47,467 BBLs 28,933 MCFs
42-207-32503 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 03-01-2013 Ashley, Claude 5 Sojourner Oil 5,714 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-399-35289 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 03-01-2013 Ashton 1 Benoit Oil 1,478 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-447-30670 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2000 Atwood Unit 1 Malcolm Oil 19,403 BBLs 7,169 MCFs
42-207-31727 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Barton, T.w. 1 Weinert Oil 59,540 BBLs 19 MCFs
42-207-32570 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bates Hester Oil 24,681 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32595 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bates Hester Oil 4,162 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32679 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 03-01-2017 Bell 1 Foote Oil 1,618 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-441-32071 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 07-01-2006 Billingsley, W. L. 1 Saxon-Guion Oil 5,687 BBLs 119 MCFs
42-399-34955 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Billups "509" 1 Sykes,West Oil 22,251 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-399-31785 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 07-01-2010 Billups, Lynn 3 Sykes, West Oil 16,671 BBLs 2,510 MCFs
42-399-32245 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 07-01-2010 Billups, Lynn 4 Sykes, West Oil 16,671 BBLs 2,510 MCFs
42-399-32904 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 07-01-2010 Billups, Lynn 5 Sykes, West Oil 16,671 BBLs 2,510 MCFs
42-399-31268 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2007 Billups, W. T. 1 Sykes, West Oil 1,941 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-399-33985 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2007 Billups, W. T. 3 Sykes, West Oil 1,941 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-399-33986 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 04-01-2007 Billups, W. T. 4 Sykes, West Oil 1,941 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32592 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-burson 1091 Sojourner Oil 68,760 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32614 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-burson 1092 Sojourner Oil 44,511 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32659 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-burson 1093 Sojourner Oil 3,285 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32754 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-burson 1094 Sojourner Oil 6,924 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32634 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-burson 1101 Sojourner Oil 14,770 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32598 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-roberson 1081 Sojourner Oil 63,384 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32623 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-roberson 1082 Sojourner Oil 43,855 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-207-32682 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Bp-roberson 1083 Sojourner Oil 3,915 BBLs 0 MCFs
42-503-39213 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Braddock 10 Wildcat Oil 5,693 BBLs 43,755 MCFs
42-503-39670 S.B. Street Operating, Inc. 10-01-2024 Braddock 11 Wildcat Oil 5,693 BBLs 43,755 MCFs

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S.b. Street Operating, Inc. Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


S.b. Street Operating, Inc.
P O Box 206
GRAHAM , TX . 76450


(940) 549-4060

About S.b. Street Operating, Inc.

S.b. Street Operating, Inc. is currently ranked #443 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 4,094,428 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 10-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 329 BBLs oil and 329 MCF of gas, coming from 240 actively producing wells in the state.

There are 5 permits filed with the state that S.b. Street Operating, Inc. can drill in the future.