Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc

Contact Phone: (713) 999-4318

Business Address: Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc   712 Main St Suite 1300   HOUSTON , TX . 77002

Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #282
Total Producing Wells 35
Most Recent Production Month 09-01-2024
Total Oil Production 10 BBls
Total Gas Production 18,127,167 MCFs
Total BOE Production 3,021,183 BBls
Producing Counties Nacogdoches County Robertson County Sabine County San Augustine County Shelby County

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Wells in Texas operated by Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
42-419-31674 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Abney Gu Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 3,458,801 MCFs
42-395-31409 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Boswell 1 Bald Prairie Gas 0 BBLs 46,428,413 MCFs
42-403-30457 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Bridges Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,994,588 MCFs
42-419-31461 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Carzenava Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,477,042 MCFs
42-419-31598 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Catherine Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 4,184,663 MCFs
42-419-31606 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Christine Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,228,432 MCFs
42-419-31576 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Davis Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,375,369 MCFs
42-403-30470 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Dome Fed Gu Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,979,917 MCFs
42-419-31683 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Doug Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 3,411,547 MCFs
42-419-31569 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Duke Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,424,438 MCFs
42-419-31680 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Durham Gu Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,833,170 MCFs
42-403-30471 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 East Ingram Gu Sbn Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,920,372 MCFs
42-403-30450 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Frazier Fed Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 4,194,766 MCFs
42-419-30750 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Gene, Aubrey Huxley Gas 0 BBLs 855,902 MCFs
42-405-30461 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Harris Gu Sag Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,705,856 MCFs
42-419-31701 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Harry Gu Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 3,107,419 MCFs
42-405-30435 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Hatch Gu Sag Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,582,671 MCFs
42-419-31595 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Herone Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,004,693 MCFs
42-403-30456 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Hezekiah Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 3,397,167 MCFs
42-403-30449 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Horton Fed Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,918,688 MCFs
42-419-31545 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Hurst Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,979,565 MCFs
42-419-31528 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Jarry Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,744,544 MCFs
42-419-31638 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Jeannine Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,444,706 MCFs
42-419-31618 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 08-01-2024 Kc Gu Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 845,320 MCFs
42-403-30464 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Mcguire Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,981,043 MCFs
42-419-31577 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Nobles Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,652,081 MCFs
42-347-33108 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Petroleum Creek Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,273,239 MCFs
42-419-31514 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Pilot Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,199,515 MCFs
42-403-30468 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Richards Gu Sbn Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 2,539,857 MCFs
42-419-31612 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Samford Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,953,392 MCFs
42-419-31546 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Smith Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,483,923 MCFs
42-405-30467 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Sterling Gu Sag Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,667,514 MCFs
42-419-31695 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Thrash Gu Slb Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,283,504 MCFs
42-419-30768 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 Wayne Huxley Gas 0 BBLs 825,467 MCFs
42-403-30469 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 West Ingram Gu Sbn Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,977,029 MCFs
42-403-30465 Shelby Boswell Operator, LLC 09-01-2024 West Spoon Gu Sbn Carthage Gas 0 BBLs 1,990,449 MCFs

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Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc
712 Main St Suite 1300
HOUSTON , TX . 77002


(713) 999-4318

About Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc

Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc is currently ranked #282 in the state of Texas based on a total production of 3,021,183 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 09-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 35 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Shelby Boswell Operator, Llc can drill in the future.