Jesam Energy Llc

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Business Address: Jesam Energy Llc   2871 Wv Hwy 5-w   GLENVILLE , WV . 26351-0000

Jesam Energy Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2021
Total Oil Production 2,369 BBls
Total Gas Production 59,961 MCFs
Total BOE Production 12,268 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in West Virginia operated by Jesam Energy LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
47-017-01500 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Adams, William 3 Gas 48,920 BBLs 90,108 MCFs
47-017-01512 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Adams, William 5 Gas 48,880 BBLs 81,964 MCFs
47-017-01517 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Adams, William 6 Gas 48,880 BBLs 83,184 MCFs
47-021-01694 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Cottrill, E. E. 3 Gas 70,271 BBLs 118,430 MCFs
47-021-05308 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Hughes, Dallas COTTRILL 4 Gas 3,034 BBLs 25,161 MCFs
47-017-01526 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Leeson, Eli B. 1 Gas 48,930 BBLs 77,090 MCFs
47-017-01547 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Leeson, Eli B. 3 Gas 48,851 BBLs 86,918 MCFs
47-021-01861 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Moyers, D. J. 1-W144 Oil 4,086 BBLs 8,400 MCFs
47-021-01946 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Moyers, D. J. 2 Gas 2,223 BBLs 8,126 MCFs
47-021-02224 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Moyers, D. J. 3-W159 Oil 3,602 BBLs 8,143 MCFs
47-021-02225 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Moyers, D. J. 4-W160 Oil 3,810 BBLs 8,167 MCFs
47-021-01811 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Springston, Emma - Heirs 2 Gas 960 BBLs 17,884 MCFs
47-021-01114 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Springston, E. N. - Heirs 1 Gas 22,680 BBLs 56,383 MCFs
47-021-01106 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Stalnaker, L. 1 Gas 24,960 BBLs 68,196 MCFs
47-021-01116 Jesam Energy LLC 12-01-2021 Vannoy, C. B. 1 Gas 6,800 BBLs 23,636 MCFs

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Jesam Energy Llc Contact Info:



None Provided


Jesam Energy Llc
2871 Wv Hwy 5-w
GLENVILLE , WV . 26351-0000


About Jesam Energy Llc

Jesam Energy Llc is currently un-ranked in the state of West Virginia based on a total production of 12,268 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2021. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Jesam Energy Llc can drill in the future.