Shearer, Robert C


Contact Phone:

Business Address: Shearer, Robert C   456 Stonepot Road   ALUM BRIDGE , WV . 26321-

Shearer, Robert C Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2021
Total Oil Production 260 BBls
Total Gas Production 58,873 MCFs
Total BOE Production 10,073 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in West Virginia operated by Shearer, Robert C

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
47-041-03443 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Benson, Richard A-1495 Gas 116,815 BBLs 203,500 MCFs
47-041-00409 Shearer, Robert C 09-01-2014 Dempsey, John 1 Other 0 BBLs 529 MCFs
47-041-02990 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Manthos, James A-950 Gas 69,440 BBLs 100,714 MCFs
47-041-03462 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Manthos, James, Etal A-1005 Gas 200 BBLs 54,194 MCFs
47-041-00652 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2019 Plunkett A-119 Gas 1,160 BBLs 25,136 MCFs
47-041-00543 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Shearer A-100 Gas 38,600 BBLs 79,387 MCFs
47-041-00620 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Shearer G-116 Gas 0 BBLs 3,990 MCFs
47-041-00481 Shearer, Robert C 01-01-2021 Shearer G-71 Gas 9 BBLs 1,120 MCFs
47-041-03230 Shearer, Robert C 01-01-2021 Shearer, James M. A-1076 Gas 471 BBLs 60,957 MCFs
47-041-03229 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Shearer, James M. A-1154 Gas 145 BBLs 35,919 MCFs
47-041-03024 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Shearer, Ralph A-961 Gas 206 BBLs 17,602 MCFs
47-041-03118 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2021 Willis A-1093 Gas 153,819 BBLs 348,627 MCFs
47-041-00506 Shearer, Robert C 12-01-2019 Wills A-73 Gas 42 BBLs 18,631 MCFs

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Shearer, Robert C Contact Info:




None Provided


Shearer, Robert C
456 Stonepot Road
ALUM BRIDGE , WV . 26321-


About Shearer, Robert C

Shearer, Robert C is currently un-ranked in the state of West Virginia based on a total production of 10,073 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2021. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Shearer, Robert C can drill in the future.