Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer

Contact Name:

Contact Phone: (304) 000-0000

Business Address: Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer   Unknown Address   UNKNOWN , WV . 55555-5

Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE Unranked
Total Producing Wells 0
Most Recent Production Month 12-01-2021
Total Oil Production 31,842 BBls
Total Gas Production 1,901,428 MCFs
Total BOE Production 349,112 BBls
Producing Counties County

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Wells in West Virginia operated by Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
47-017-00886 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2019 Ash 4 Gas 2,600 BBLs 2,925 MCFs
47-017-02623 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Ashcraft, Malissa 1 Gas 2,600 BBLs 2,925 MCFs
47-017-00306 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 08-01-2021 Ash, Frank 1 Oil 6,358 BBLs 2,120 MCFs
47-017-00611 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Ash, Frank & Kesse 3 Gas 2,600 BBLs 3,127 MCFs
47-017-00336 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Ash, G. Frank & Jesse 2 Gas 2,600 BBLs 3,140 MCFs
47-021-04938 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer N/A Beall, Harvey ANN LEWIS 1 Other 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-017-00277 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Bland, George E. 1 Gas 0 BBLs 240 MCFs
47-017-00287 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2019 Bland, George E. 1 Gas 0 BBLs 120 MCFs
47-017-02624 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Booher, W. J. 9 Gas 2,600 BBLs 2,983 MCFs
47-017-03478 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Buck, Sheila & John S. BUCK #1 Gas 85,240 BBLs 147,549 MCFs
47-017-04764 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 03-01-2010 Buck, Shelia & Lynch BUCK 2 Gas 93,360 BBLs 87,957 MCFs
47-017-02830 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Bunnell, J. 1 Gas 2,600 BBLs 3,020 MCFs
47-021-04939 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer N/A Coastal Lumber COASTAL 1 Other 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-017-01422 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 06-01-2020 Cottrill, Ernest 3 Oil 20,247 BBLs 13,460 MCFs
47-017-01147 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 06-01-2020 Cottrill, Smith 1 Oil 16,137 BBLs 13,401 MCFs
47-017-01287 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Cottrill, Smith 4 Oil 12,022 BBLs 13,522 MCFs
47-017-02713 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer N/A Cumpston, J. Rex, Etal 1 Other 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-017-02716 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer N/A Cumpston, J. Rex, Etal 4 Other 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-017-03382 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2019 Demastus, William H. H. HILEY 2 Gas 24 BBLs 180 MCFs
47-017-03393 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer N/A Demastus, William HILEY 3 Other 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-017-04765 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Gaspar, Steve & Sharon J. SMITH 1 Gas 150,654 BBLs 221,972 MCFs
47-017-04766 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Gaspar, Steve & Sharon J. SMITH 2 Gas 150,254 BBLs 191,530 MCFs
47-017-04767 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Gaspar, Steve & Sharon J. SMITH 3 Gas 165,452 BBLs 191,533 MCFs
47-017-05258 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 05-01-2021 Gaspar, Steve & Sharon J. SMITH 4 Gas 211,126 BBLs 226,445 MCFs
47-017-05259 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 05-01-2021 Gaspar, Steve & Sharon J. SMITH 5 Gas 211,208 BBLs 226,447 MCFs
47-017-02745 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Gattrell 1 Gas 25,720 BBLs 32,374 MCFs
47-017-05037 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Grimm, Donald & Edna 3A Gas 156,680 BBLs 155,100 MCFs
47-017-05031 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Grimm, Donald & Edra GRIMM 1A Gas 156,640 BBLs 155,851 MCFs
47-017-05032 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Grimm, Donald & Edra GRIMM 2A Gas 156,680 BBLs 155,896 MCFs
47-017-01518 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 09-01-2021 Grimm, Donald Lee 1 Gas 25,000 BBLs 44,027 MCFs
47-017-05292 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hallworth, Albert O. ASHCRAFT 2 Gas 476,377 BBLs 494,852 MCFs
47-017-05293 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hallworth, Albert O. ASHCRAFT 3 Gas 476,418 BBLs 494,854 MCFs
47-017-05294 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hallworth, Albert O. ASHCRAFT 4 Gas 476,418 BBLs 494,814 MCFs
47-085-06328 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2012 Hart, Juanita Nichols NICHOLS #1 Oil 235 BBLs 0 MCFs
47-041-02943 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 10-01-2018 Hayden, C. 1 Gas 16,760 BBLs 26,507 MCFs
47-017-02829 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2017 Hickman, Thomas 1 Gas 27,043 BBLs 71,339 MCFs
47-017-01423 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2013 Hileman, Sophia 1 Gas 10,287 BBLs 2,420 MCFs
47-017-01459 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hileman, Sophia 2 Gas 15,440 BBLs 53,103 MCFs
47-017-02389 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hiley, H. H. 2 (4091) Gas 3,336 BBLs 2,762 MCFs
47-017-04884 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hugh Spencer Trust SHANNON 3 Gas 292,800 BBLs 292,255 MCFs
47-017-05038 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hugh Spencer Trust SHANNON 4 Gas 0 BBLs 9,795 MCFs
47-017-04885 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Hugh Spencer Trust SHANNON 6 Gas 292,840 BBLs 292,169 MCFs
47-041-02919 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 11-01-2018 Kraus, R. A. 1A Gas 16,760 BBLs 58,392 MCFs
47-041-02945 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 11-01-2018 Kraus, R. A. 1-B Gas 16,760 BBLs 25,231 MCFs
47-041-00329 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Kraus, Thomas G. 1 Gas 114,360 BBLs 154,433 MCFs
47-041-00361 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Kraus, Thomas G. 2 Gas 2,600 BBLs 5,513 MCFs
47-041-00931 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2019 Kraus, Thomas G. 3 Gas 2,600 BBLs 9,906 MCFs
47-041-01164 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2015 Kraus, Thomas Gilbert 4 Gas 2,600 BBLs 2,781 MCFs
47-041-00371 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Lamb, W. B. - Heirs 1 Gas 46,880 BBLs 69,818 MCFs
47-041-00461 Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer 12-01-2021 Lamp, N. G. 2 Gas 33,280 BBLs 54,389 MCFs

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Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer Contact Info:



None Provided


Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer
Unknown Address
UNKNOWN , WV . 55555-5


(304) 000-0000

About Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer

Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer is currently un-ranked in the state of West Virginia based on a total production of 349,112 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 12-01-2021. The company has an estimated daily production of 0 BBLs oil and 0 MCF of gas, coming from 0 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Spencer Enterprises Dba Hugh Spencer can drill in the future.