Barn Owls Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Barn Owls Llc   27411 Myrtle Lake Lane   Katy , TX . 77494

Barn Owls Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #42
Total Producing Wells 58
Most Recent Production Month 09-01-2024
Total Oil Production 44,617,752 BBls
Total Gas Production 616,649 MCFs
Total BOE Production 44,720,328 BBls
Producing Counties Campbell County Crook County Johnson County

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Wells in Wyoming operated by Barn Owls LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
49-005-22929 Barn Owls LLC 12-01-1982 21-1 USA 21-1 Hoover Gulch Injection 13,577 BBLs 76 MCFs
49-005-62901 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 21209 BAYTOWN 32-28 Hunter Ranch Oil 280,460 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-62900 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 21209 BAYTOWN 32-29 Hunter Ranch Oil 540,828 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-29232 Barn Owls LLC 12-01-2023 3 BRAKEN UNIT 3 Bracken Oil 297,410 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28177 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 BEASON FEE 1 Sandbar East Oil 224,555 BBLs 10,000 MCFs
49-005-06236 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 BILLY NELSON 1 Rozet South Oil 840,643 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-30914 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 BILLY NELSON 23-19 Rozet Oil 344,125 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-27080 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 BLATCHFORD 2 Rozet East Oil 599,854 BBLs 3,010 MCFs
49-011-22318 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 CAMBRIDGE PLAINS 31-28 Cambridge Oil 651,854 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-011-22358 Barn Owls LLC 12-01-1992 CAMBRIDGE PLAINS 32-28 Cambridge Injection 54,773 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-011-22545 Barn Owls LLC 12-01-2007 CAMBRIDGE UNIT 41A-28 Cambridge Oil 65,387 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-24980 Barn Owls LLC 02-01-2024 CAMPBELL 5 Rozet Oil 1,140,592 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-27298 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 CAMPBELL 9 Rozet Oil 1,201,717 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-37851 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 DUVALL 31-6 Halverson Oil 489,240 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-26876 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 EASON FEE A-1 Bracken Oil 413,583 BBLs 10,955 MCFs
49-005-05653 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 ELLBOGEN W-0313871 1 Rozet East Oil 522,851 BBLs 2,745 MCFs
49-005-20085 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FEDERAL 1 Windmill Oil 480,749 BBLs 2,188 MCFs
49-005-31636 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FEDERAL 21-13 Bracken Oil 387,581 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28882 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FEDERAL 22-24 Hoover Gulch Oil 522,644 BBLs 2,458 MCFs
49-005-27363 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FEDERAL W-0313592 15-10 Little Mitchell Creek Oil 608,032 BBLs 3,196 MCFs
49-005-27362 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FEDERAL W-0313593 15-9 Little Mitchell Creek Oil 670,318 BBLs 3,499 MCFs
49-005-23805 Barn Owls LLC 10-01-2023 FED W-0312564 14-3 Windmill Oil 402,766 BBLs 2,107 MCFs
49-019-05645 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FERGUSON B-037508 C-1 Barber Creek West Oil 314,657 BBLs 86,711 MCFs
49-005-23246 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FRYE 1 Adon Road North Oil 308,913 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-26909 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 FRYE 2 Adon Road North Oil 107,946 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-29582 Barn Owls LLC 10-01-1995 FRYE 3 Adon Road North Injection 19,458 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-011-22374 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 HAHN 42-28 Cambridge Oil 103,802 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28837 Barn Owls LLC 08-01-2013 HARRIS-SIMPSON 33-12 Terrace Oil 355,680 BBLs 388 MCFs
49-005-28867 Barn Owls LLC 07-01-2022 HARRIS-SIMPSON 34-12 Terrace Oil 803,526 BBLs 802 MCFs
49-005-29450 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 HAWKEYE UNIT 2 Hawkeye Oil 148,973 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28685 Barn Owls LLC 12-01-1993 HAWKEYE UNIT WI-1 Hawkeye Injection 58,494 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-20596 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 HERB WHITE W-0312567 1 Windmill Oil 1,289,911 BBLs 687 MCFs
49-005-27136 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 LEONA HEPTNER 1 Windmill Oil 337,567 BBLs 1,454 MCFs
49-005-20390 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 LOUIS EWING 7 Rozet West Oil 548,228 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28296 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 MCCLURE A 1 Sandbar East Oil 1,914,925 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28350 Barn Owls LLC 04-01-2023 MCCLURE FEE 2 Sandbar East Oil 387,327 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28176 Barn Owls LLC 10-01-2015 MCLURE FEE 1 Sandbar East Oil 502,610 BBLs 15,014 MCFs
49-005-27948 Barn Owls LLC 10-01-2010 MORAN 1-18 Moran Oil 258,975 BBLs 9,777 MCFs
49-005-28411 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 MORAN FEE 5-18 Moran Oil 783,576 BBLs 18,840 MCFs
49-005-28236 Barn Owls LLC 08-01-1993 MORAN FEE WSW-1 Moran 2,961 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28237 Barn Owls LLC 10-01-1987 MORAN UNIT FEE WI-1 Moran Injection 25,277 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-28341 Barn Owls LLC 03-01-1991 MORAN UNIT FEE WI-3 Moran Injection 41,057 BBLs 1,429 MCFs
49-005-28146 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 MORAN UNIT WI-2 2-18 Moran Oil 338,406 BBLs 6,649 MCFs
49-005-31351 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2001 N UNIT -FEDERAL RULE 21-11 Little Mitchell Creek Injection 71,035 BBLs 28 MCFs
49-005-43837 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 OHC FEDERAL 31-11 Little Mitchellcreek Oil 241,463 BBLs 954 MCFs
49-005-26894 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 ORCHID 1-13 Adon Road North Oil 1,043,342 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-05589 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 PETER SVALINA 12 Rozet Oil 521,353 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-27254 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 PETER SVALINA 17 Rozet South Oil 364,975 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-005-30964 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 PLAINS 21-14 Rozet Oil 161,323 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-011-22359 Barn Owls LLC 09-01-2024 PLAINS 21-28 Cambridge Oil 661,288 BBLs 0 MCFs

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Barn Owls Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Barn Owls Llc
27411 Myrtle Lake Lane
Katy , TX . 77494


About Barn Owls Llc

Barn Owls Llc is currently ranked #42 in the state of Wyoming based on a total production of 44,720,328 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 09-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 742 BBLs oil and 742 MCF of gas, coming from 58 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Barn Owls Llc can drill in the future.