Kem Ventures Lp

Contact Phone: (832) 421-8985

Business Address: Kem Ventures Lp   515a S Fry Rd Ste. 406   KATY , TX . 77450

Kem Ventures Lp Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #157
Total Producing Wells 18
Most Recent Production Month 06-01-2024
Total Oil Production 730,022 BBls
Total Gas Production 13,381,254 MCFs
Total BOE Production 2,960,188 BBls
Producing Counties Natrona County Sweetwater County

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Wells in Wyoming operated by Kem Ventures LP

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
49-025-10048 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 41-1(19 MIDLAND) 41-1 Teapot East Oil 5,540 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10062 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 45 Teapot East Oil 4,081 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-037-22153 Kem Ventures LP 07-01-2020 AMOCO-CHAMPLIN PAT 7-1 Marianne Gas 970 BBLs 2,260,272 MCFs
49-037-20700 Kem Ventures LP 09-01-2022 CHAMPLIN 2-21 Desert Springs West Oil 66,217 BBLs 260,067 MCFs
49-037-20630 Kem Ventures LP 07-01-1997 CHAMPLIN FEE 2-29 Patrick Draw North Oil 57,096 BBLs 264,365 MCFs
49-037-20577 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2021 CHAMPLIN FEE 4-29 Desert Springs West Oil 67,097 BBLs 261,839 MCFs
49-037-20554 Kem Ventures LP 12-01-2022 CHAMPLIN FEE 5-31 Patrick Draw North Oil 70,361 BBLs 240,826 MCFs
49-037-20812 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2022 CHAMPLIN FEE 8-29 Desert Springs West Oil 25,944 BBLs 95,748 MCFs
49-037-20580 Kem Ventures LP 07-01-2012 CHAMPLIN-FOX HILLS 1 Patrick Draw North Gas 788 BBLs 769,254 MCFs
49-037-20562 Kem Ventures LP 11-01-2017 CHAMPLIN RSG 2-5 Patrick Draw North Oil 101,277 BBLs 248,479 MCFs
49-025-10092 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2008 FED 075727 18 Teapot East Oil 3,768 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10079 Kem Ventures LP 09-01-2021 FED 075727 26 Teapot East Oil 4,244 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10086 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 FED 075727 5 Teapot East Oil 6,960 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10060 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 FED 075727 74 Teapot East Oil 2,696 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10063 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 FED 075727-A 46 Teapot East Oil 4,501 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10064 Kem Ventures LP 09-01-2023 FED 075727-A 47 Teapot East Oil 3,796 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10066 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 FED 075727-A 51 Teapot East Oil 5,189 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10067 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 FED 075727-A 52 Teapot East Oil 7,859 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10074 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2024 FED 19 Teapot East Oil 5,920 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-037-21941 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 FEDERAL TENNECO 1-30 Sixmile Spring Gas 1,153 BBLs 1,669,900 MCFs
49-037-20347 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2023 GOVT 1 Joyce Creek Oil 31,488 BBLs 56,048 MCFs
49-037-24194 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 HORSETHIEF CANYON KA 25-15 Marianne Gas 274 BBLs 27,394 MCFs
49-037-27671 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 HORSETHIEF CANYON ST 36-1 Wc Gas 2,371 BBLs 740,398 MCFs
49-037-27628 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 HORSETHIEF CANYON ST 36-10 Wc Gas 752 BBLs 873,632 MCFs
49-037-20392 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2023 JOYCE CREEK 2 Joyce Creek Gas 1,814 BBLs 1,165,071 MCFs
49-037-20530 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2023 JOYCE CREEK 4 Joyce Creek Oil 6,356 BBLs 44,327 MCFs
49-037-21695 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 LEAR 1-30 Sixmile Spring Gas 938 BBLs 424,356 MCFs
49-037-21947 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 MTN FUEL FEDERAL 1-20 Sixmile Spring Gas 1,522 BBLs 415,014 MCFs
49-037-27758 Kem Ventures LP 10-01-2022 N BAXTER BASIN FED 12-20 Crooked Canyon Gas 1,195 BBLs 291,571 MCFs
49-025-10075 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2008 SHANNON SAND UNIT 20 Teapot East Oil 1,308 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10078 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 SHANNON SAND UNIT 25 Teapot East Oil 3,055 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10080 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-1978 SHANNON SAND UNIT 28 Teapot East Oil 79 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10045 Kem Ventures LP 11-01-1997 SHANNON SAND UNIT 34 Teapot East Oil 3,275 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10049 Kem Ventures LP 07-01-2008 SHANNON SAND UNIT 42 Teapot East Oil 570 BBLs 7 MCFs
49-025-10065 Kem Ventures LP 12-01-2020 SHANNON SAND UNIT 50 Teapot East Oil 1,959 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10052 Kem Ventures LP 01-01-1981 SHANNON SAND UNIT 53 Teapot East Oil 10 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10054 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 59 Teapot East Oil 1,916 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10055 Kem Ventures LP 04-01-2013 SHANNON SAND UNIT 60-1 Teapot East Oil 0 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10056 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 65 Teapot East Oil 4,176 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10057 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2008 SHANNON SAND UNIT 66-1 Teapot East Oil 149 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10058 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 69 Teapot East Oil 971 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10087 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 7 Teapot East Oil 1,056 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10059 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 70 Teapot East Oil 520 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-10061 Kem Ventures LP 05-01-2015 SHANNON SAND UNIT 75 Teapot East Oil 1,861 BBLs 0 MCFs
49-025-21403 Kem Ventures LP 12-01-2008 SHANNON SAND UNIT 79 Teapot East Oil 103 BBLs 30 MCFs
49-037-05704 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 STATE 012726 1-36 Patrick Draw North Oil 22,595 BBLs 38,431 MCFs
49-037-05732 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 STATE 012726 2-36 Patrick Draw North Oil 35,781 BBLs 60,585 MCFs
49-037-05715 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 STATE 012726 3-36 Patrick Draw North Oil 5,937 BBLs 11,737 MCFs
49-037-05705 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 STATE 012726 5-36 Patrick Draw North Oil 45,693 BBLs 118,861 MCFs
49-037-05720 Kem Ventures LP 06-01-2024 STATE 012726 6-36 Patrick Draw North Oil 32,154 BBLs 69,864 MCFs

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Kem Ventures Lp Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Kem Ventures Lp
515a S Fry Rd Ste. 406
KATY , TX . 77450


(832) 421-8985

About Kem Ventures Lp

Kem Ventures Lp is currently ranked #157 in the state of Wyoming based on a total production of 2,960,188 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 06-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 7 BBLs oil and 7 MCF of gas, coming from 18 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Kem Ventures Lp can drill in the future.