Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc

Contact Phone:

Business Address: Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc   7701 N Hwy 14 16 Po Box 70   RECLUSE , WY . 82725

Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Actively Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #247
Total Producing Wells 5
Most Recent Production Month 09-01-2024
Total Oil Production 664,550 BBls
Total Gas Production 5,092,522 MCFs
Total BOE Production 1,513,252 BBls
Producing Counties Campbell County

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Wells in Wyoming operated by Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
49-005-23366 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 09-01-2024 HAROLD SPELLMAN PAT 11-1 Spotted Horse Oil 24,271 BBLs 101,094 MCFs
49-005-27186 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 09-01-2024 LINN FEE 23-11 Spotted Horse Oil 29,306 BBLs 97,593 MCFs
49-005-21347 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 02-01-2018 OEDEKOVEN E 1 Store Injection 81,842 BBLs 105,583 MCFs
49-005-21424 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 09-01-2024 OEDEKOVEN E 3 Store Oil 248,675 BBLs 1,177,147 MCFs
49-005-29639 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 09-01-2024 OEDEKOVEN FEE 4-90 Store Oil 134,413 BBLs 1,588,013 MCFs
49-005-22661 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 02-01-2020 OEDEKOVEN F PATENTED F-3 Store Oil 142,842 BBLs 1,970,870 MCFs
49-005-21789 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 10-01-1981 STATE 39 85-415 5-36 Recluse Injection 2,458 BBLs 43,366 MCFs
49-005-29171 Santa Rosa Petroleum LLC 09-01-2024 W OEDEKOVEN FEE 13-12 Oedekoven Gas 743 BBLs 8,856 MCFs

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Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc
7701 N Hwy 14 16 Po Box 70
RECLUSE , WY . 82725


About Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc

Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc is currently ranked #247 in the state of Wyoming based on a total production of 1,513,252 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 09-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 2 BBLs oil and 2 MCF of gas, coming from 5 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Santa Rosa Petroleum Llc can drill in the future.