Wapiti Operating Llc

Contact Phone: (307) 324-5266

Business Address: Wapiti Operating Llc   P O Box 261   SINCLAIR , WY . 82334

Wapiti Operating Llc Activity Summary

Production Status Not Producing
Producer National Rank by BOE #125
Total Producing Wells 18
Most Recent Production Month 04-01-2024
Total Oil Production 80,763 BBls
Total Gas Production 39,059,211 MCFs
Total BOE Production 6,590,643 BBls
Producing Counties Lincoln County Sublette County

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Wells in Wyoming operated by Wapiti Operating LLC

API Number Operator Name Recent Production Well Name Field Name Well Type Total Oil Produced Total Gas Produced
49-035-21854 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 FIGURE FOUR CANYON 16-30D Figure Four Canyon Gas 976 BBLs 2,200,466 MCFs
49-035-20847 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 FIGURE FOUR CANYON 6-31 Figure Four Canyon Gas 1,500 BBLs 1,924,165 MCFs
49-035-20856 Wapiti Operating LLC 03-01-2011 FIGURE FOUR CANYON 7-31 Figure Four Canyon Gas 1,326 BBLs 2,883,567 MCFs
49-035-20964 Wapiti Operating LLC 07-01-2022 FIGURE FOUR CANYON 8-30 Figure Four Canyon Gas 884 BBLs 2,779,107 MCFs
49-023-20802 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 FONTENELLE RESERVOIR 1-22 Fontenelle Gas 4,374 BBLs 2,002,725 MCFs
49-023-20949 Wapiti Operating LLC 10-01-2020 FONTENELLE W-123999 4-22D Fontenelle Gas 893 BBLs 147,099 MCFs
49-023-20916 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 FONTENELLE W-124999 2-22 Fontenelle Gas 1,687 BBLs 664,619 MCFs
49-023-20910 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 FONTENELLE W-124999 3-22 Fontenelle Gas 3,472 BBLs 1,029,329 MCFs
49-023-20541 Wapiti Operating LLC 06-01-2018 HANSON FED W-72845 40-6 Bird Canyon Gas 4,090 BBLs 769,013 MCFs
49-023-20601 Wapiti Operating LLC 01-01-2017 LANDSDALE FEDERAL 10-8 Bird Canyon Gas 6,737 BBLs 512,307 MCFs
49-035-20798 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-E 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,962 BBLs 2,369,844 MCFs
49-035-20775 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-F W-44283 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,599 BBLs 1,018,206 MCFs
49-035-20780 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-G W-44283 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,154 BBLs 1,920,087 MCFs
49-035-20794 Wapiti Operating LLC 12-01-2023 USA A-H W-44283 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,548 BBLs 1,635,832 MCFs
49-035-20781 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-I W-44282 1 Bird Canyon Gas 934 BBLs 228,211 MCFs
49-035-20797 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-J W-44283 1 Bird Canyon Gas 3,049 BBLs 2,407,988 MCFs
49-035-20796 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-K W-44282 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,153 BBLs 1,847,056 MCFs
49-035-20795 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 USA A-L W-44283 1 Bird Canyon Gas 2,156 BBLs 1,030,317 MCFs
49-035-20776 Wapiti Operating LLC 12-01-2011 USA AMOCO A-M 1 Bird Canyon Gas 1,175 BBLs 1,399,363 MCFs
49-023-20824 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN 1-24 Fontenelle Gas 3,741 BBLs 1,301,952 MCFs
49-023-20914 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN 4-24D Fontenelle Gas 4,005 BBLs 2,346,529 MCFs
49-023-20925 Wapiti Operating LLC 08-01-2022 WEST SWAN 6-25D Fontenelle Gas 1,099 BBLs 118,817 MCFs
49-023-21001 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN 7-26D Fontenelle Gas 6,371 BBLs 2,001,393 MCFs
49-023-20827 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN W-42788 2-25 Fontenelle Gas 8,296 BBLs 2,116,929 MCFs
49-023-20838 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN W-42788 3-25 Fontenelle Gas 7,935 BBLs 1,729,033 MCFs
49-023-20913 Wapiti Operating LLC 04-01-2024 WEST SWAN W-42788 5-25 Fontenelle Gas 3,647 BBLs 675,257 MCFs

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Wapiti Operating Llc Contact Info:


None Provided


None Provided


Wapiti Operating Llc
P O Box 261
SINCLAIR , WY . 82334


(307) 324-5266

About Wapiti Operating Llc

Wapiti Operating Llc is currently ranked #125 in the state of Wyoming based on a total production of 6,590,643 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) reported during the month of 04-01-2024. The company has an estimated daily production of 1 BBLs oil and 1 MCF of gas, coming from 18 actively producing wells in the state.

There are no permits filed with the state that Wapiti Operating Llc can drill in the future.